- He lit his pipe with a twist of paper. 他用纸煤点燃了烟斗。
- He replenished his pipe with tobacco. 他给烟斗再添满烟草。
- The one with needle like leaves is. 针状叶的那些是。
- Do not walk around with needle and syringe. 切勿持针随意走动。
- A Turkish tobacco pipe with a long stem and a red clay bowl. 土耳其长烟管一种有长杆和红色的黏土做的烟斗的土耳其的烟管
- He began to smoke his pipe with a satisfied air. 他带着满意的神情抽起烟袋来。
- Embroidery: Art of decorating textiles with needle and thread. 刺绣: 用针和线来装饰纺织品的艺术。
- A tobacco pipe with a bowl made of this mineral. 海泡石烟斗凹处用海泡石制成之烟斗
- He charged his pipe with tobacco. 他给他的烟斗装烟草。
- We fused the pipes with solders. 我们用焊锡熔接管子。
- He plugged the hole in the pipe with an old rag. 他用一块旧破布把管子上的那个洞塞住了。
- He filled the bowl of his pipe with tobacco. 他往烟斗里装烟丝.
- The girl answered, 'Heavenly clothes are not sewn with needle and thread. 女子回答说:“天衣本来就用不着针线缝合的呀!”
- The old man stuffed his pipe with tobacco. 老人把烟斗装满烟丝。
- Stab the pipe with the hydraulic arm. 用液压钳扣住钻杆。
- A length of pipe with a sharp bend in it. (管子的)弯曲处一段有弯曲的管道
- He can bend a pipe with his hands. 他可以用双手把导管折弯。
- pipe with needle 套管针
- Angel with needles poked through our eyes! 天使用针戳穿我们的眼!
- DEMG with needle electrode could evaluate the respiratory state of ALS patients at the level of electrophysiology. 针极DEMG能从电生理角度评价ALS患者的呼吸功能 ;