- The wood is held in position by a clamp. 木头用钳夹固定住了。
- I told her to pipe down but she still babbled on. 我叫她闭嘴,可她还是唠叨个没完。
- The girl is quite suited for the position [work]. 这姑娘很适合担任这个职务[这个工作]。
- The pipe burst and a spout of water shoot out. 水管破裂了,一股水喷了出来。
- I can live in clover when I get that position. 我得到那个职位便可过上优裕的生活。
- He bribes his leader to consolidate his position. 他贿赂他的领导来巩固他的地位。
- The tail exhaust pipe of the motor vehicle emitted poisonous smoke. 机动车的尾部排气管排出有毒的浓烟。
- A free flow of water came from the pipe. 水从管道里通畅地流了出来。
- So be it. We shall smoke the pipe of peace. 好吧,咱们抽袋烟言和吧!
- He took up a radical position on this issue. 他对这个问题抱着激进的态度。
- Gushes of water sprayed out of the pipe. 好几股水流从管子里喷出来。
- She is unfit for such a senior position. 她不胜任这种高级职务。
- Water is spouting out of the pipe. 水正从管子里喷出来。
- They plotted the new position of each vessel. 他们标明每艘船的新位置。
- He tamped down the tobacco in his pipe. 他把烟丝紧紧摁实在烟斗里。
- He was exalted to the position of general manager. 他被提升到总经理的职位。
- Suddenly oil sprang forth from the pipe. 油突然从管子里喷了出来。
- We're now in a rather poor bargaining position. 我们现在所处的谈判地位不太有利。
- The pipe splays (out) at one end. 管子一端呈喇叭形。
- He rammed the tobacco into his pipe. 他把烟丝塞进烟斗。