- pilose david deer horn 麋茸
- david deer horn 麋角
- People view it as one of the three optimal tonics with other two being ginseng and pilose deer horn. 在我国丰富的药材资源中,它是既名贵又奇异且罕见的一种中药和藏药,人们把它与人参、鹿茸并列为三大特佳补品。
- According to the current statistics, the species distinguished in China include: Xinjiang tiger, Mongolia wild horse, Saiga antelope, rhino, David deer and Douc langur. 按已有资料统计,中国已经灭绝的野生动物有新疆虎、蒙古野马、高鼻羚羊、犀牛、麋鹿、白臀叶猴。
- pilose antler; pilose deer horn; cornu cervi pantotrichum 鹿茸
- Velvet antler is deer horn that is cut from the deer after approximately 65 days of growth. 鹿茸是在小鹿长到65天时割下鹿角。
- Main Ingredients: Gastrodia, Radix, ginseng, Eucommia, Astragalus, Earthworm, deer horn and Cordyceps 30 finish. 主要成份:天麻、牛膝、人参、杜仲、黄芪、地龙、鹿茸、冬虫夏草等30余味。
- According to the current statistics,the species distinguished in China include: Xinjiang tiger,Mongolia wild horse,Saiga antelope,rhino,David deer and Douc langur. 按已有资料统计,中国已经灭绝的野生动物有新疆虎、蒙古野马、高鼻羚羊、犀牛、麋鹿、白臀叶猴。
- In addition, deer horn and the grain, saiga horn, and other medicinal herbs are also abundant. 此外,鹿茸、麝香、羚羊角等药材也比较丰富。
- Natural basic protein of marine life, marine bioactive peptides, ponderosa CGMP extract enzyme activity, the United States zeeland, ginseng, deer horn and other animal and plant essence. 纯天然海洋生物碱性蛋白、海洋生物活性分子肽、黄松提取CGMP活性分解酶、美国泽兰、人参、鹿茸等动植物精华。
- North west cut-off wild deer horn 西北野鹿砍角
- North west dropped wild deer horn 西北野鹿脱角
- pilos deer horn [化] 鹿茸
- It is the first of cattle, deer horns, Phoenixfunggala , snake body, pangolin scales, fish tail, like the legs, eagle claw. 它有牛的头,鹿的角,凤凰的翎子,蛇的身,穿山甲的鳞,鱼的尾,象的腿,鹰的爪。
- The shy men may be the very brethren of David. 那些羞怯男人大概就是大卫的教友们。
- The deer was peppered with shot all down one side. 那只死鹿的半边身子都被子弹击中。
- Pilose deer horn 鹿茸(中药)
- David did not have a book to his name. 大卫没有一本属于他自己的书。
- David gave the door a kick and it flew open. 大卫一脚向门踹去,那门猛地开了。
- The deer lowered its head to drink from the pond. 鹿低下头去喝池塘里的水。