- pilgrims visiting the shrine 到圣徒墓地朝圣的人.
- The authorities in Baghdad say up to 5 million pilgrims descended on the capital over the past week to visit the shrine of Imam Moussa Al-Kadhim. 巴格达官方表示,在过去的一个星期内,起码有5百万朝圣者来到巴格达参拜卡德希姆伊玛姆神庙。
- Mister Abe has refused to say if he will visit the shrine as prime minister. 安倍先生拒绝回答他在任职首相期间是否将参拜神社。
- Many pilgrims worship at the shrine. 许多朝圣者参拜圣地。
- They visited the Shrine of Our Lady to pray for redemption. 他们参观了圣母马利亚的神龛, 为赎罪而祈祷。
- According to legend, members of the Indian royal castes and the wealthy nobility brought their deceased to the far North to visit the Shrine of the Dakini (located at the foothills of the Himalaya). 依照传统,众多印度皇室阶层和高贵种姓都把他们的死者带到北方,去探访空行母(位于喜马拉雅山的山麓小丘)。
- Those foreigners are visiting the excavations. 那些外国人正在参观出土文物。
- Florence is the shrine of the Renaissance. 佛罗伦萨是文艺复兴的圣地。
- Many pilgrims knelt piously at the shrine. 许多朝圣者心虔意诚地在神殿跪拜。
- Many tourists visit the Acropolis in Athens. 有很多游客参观雅典的卫城。
- Critics say the shrine glorifies Japan's militaristic past, but Koizumi says he visits the shrine to pray for peace. 批评人士说,靖国神社美化日本军国主义的历史,但是小泉说,他参拜靖国神社是为了祈祷和平。
- We took the opportunity of visiting the palace. 我们趁便参观了皇宫。
- Mr. Abe has visited the shrine in the past, but has not indicated whether he will continue the visits now that he is prime minister. 安倍晋叁过去也参拜过靖国神社,但是还没有表明在担任日本首相之后,他是否会继续参拜。
- On the day when I visited the shrine, there was a long procession of Japanese women lining up to view the blue irises.There was no rush. 在 我 游 览 神 宫 的 那 一 日, 有 一 大 群 日 本 妇 女, 正 在 秩 序 井 然 地 排 队 等 候 欣 赏 鸢 尾, 没 有 拥 挤。
- People went to visit the Museum on and on. 参观博物馆人们络绎不绝。
- Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi visited the shrine in October, the fifth since he took office in April 2001, which angers China and the Republic of Korea (ROK). 日本首相小泉纯一郎已经在10月份参拜了靖国神社,这是他继自2001年4月携带公职人员参拜靖国神社以来的第五次了,这使中国和韩国很愤慨。
- We plan to visit the venerable ruins of the abbey. 我们计划去访问该修道院令人肃然起敬的历史遗址。
- They bowed down before the shrine. 他们在神龛前鞠躬示敬。
- Now is the best time to visit the gardens. 现在是最适合逛花园的时候。
- Whether he will visit the shrine this year, 是否今年他将参访神社,后面