- pile raft base 桩筏基础
- In order to study the interaction of upper structure,pile raft foundation and soil,a modle of three dimensional finite element analysis is established. 为了研究结构-桩-土的相互作用,利用有限元程序对上部结构-桩筏基础-地基相互作用体系建立了三维有限元分析模型。
- In order to study the interaction of upper structure, pile raft foundation and soil, a modle of three dimensional finite element analysis is established. 摘要为了研究结构-桩-土的相互作用,利用有限元程序对上部结构-桩筏基础-地基相互作用体系建立了三维有限元分析模型。
- The compound pile foundation is a kind of piled raft foundation in which the loads of supper-structure are carried by both piles and subsoil. 复合桩基是一种充分利用桩间土、桩土共同作用的桩基础型式。
- Piled raft foundation, which is extensively used, is an important foundation pattern ofhigh-rise buildings. 桩筏基础是软土地基上高层建筑广泛采用的基础形式之一。
- Piled raft foundation is used widely as multiplayer and high buildings" foundation insoft soil areas. 我国沿海地区广泛应用桩筏基础作为建立在软土地基上的多层和小高层建筑物的基础。
- ABAQUS is used to carry out 3D elastoplastic finite element analysis on the piled raft foundation of 3D. 利用ABAQUS对3D桩距和6D桩距的桩筏基础进行了三维弹塑性分析。
- I have a huge pile of letters to deal with. 我有一大堆信件要处理。
- A simple model for the finite element analysis of piled raft foundation is prosposed and this calculational process is realized by the finite element program ANSYS. 提出一种有限元简化模拟桩筏基础体系的计算模型,利用有限元软件ANSYS实现这一计算过程。
- In this paper, the recent progress in the research and development on the preparation of amphiphilic block copolymers via RAFT based on the procedure of the technology are primarily summarized. 本文以RAFT聚合法制备双亲性嵌段共聚物的工艺过程为依据,结合笔者的研究成果,综述了国内外关于用RAFT法制备双亲性嵌段共聚物的研究进展和最新动态。
- It is meaningful to study the mechanism of the nonlinear interaction of the piled raft foundation and the superstructure and to optimize the design of piled raft foundations. 因此考虑上部结构,进一步认识其与桩筏基础非线性共同作用机理,优化桩筏基础设计,具有重要的现实意义。
- The method did not involve the discretization of the soil or piles and it could he used to analyze piled raft foundation as simply as to analyze raft foundation. 应用该方法不需要划分桩土体单元,其分析复杂程度基本等同于弹性地基板基础,且分析过程简洁。
- In this paper, A type of analysis method and the program of nonlinear analysis of interaction of piled raft foundations and superstructure were established. 通过对上部结构与桩筏基础的共同作用进行非线性分析,可以来优化基础设计。
- Your letter got buried under a pile of papers. 你的信压在一堆文件下面了。
- The sailors got away from the wrecked ship on a raft. 水手们乘救生筏离开失事的船。
- The runner was retired put out at first base. 跑垒者于第一垒上被刺杀出局。
- The runner went to second base on a wild pitch. 一记瞎设让跑垒员跑上了第二垒。
- Comparision between the analysis and the field experimental data is made,which well reflects the forced mechanism of piled raft foundation,and offers a reference for the design of struture. 利用此方法计算相应模型与实测结果对比,计算数据较好的反映了桩筏基础的受力机理,可为结构设计分析提供一定的参考。
- I bet they are making a pile out of the deal. 我肯定他们这笔生意一定赚大钱。
- You cannot enter a military base without a permit. 无通行证者不得擅入军事基地。