- pile bottom grouting 桩底后注浆
- Test and Study on Pile Bottom Grouting Technology of Artificial Digged Concrete Piles 人工挖孔灌注桩桩底压浆试验研究
- Loading test results indicate that the bottom resistance increases by about 100% after grouting in the pile bottom, and the bearing capacity of the rigid pile increases by about 35%. 实测结果表明,桩底后注浆处理后,持力层的端阻力提高约100%25,刚性桩复合地基承载力提高约35%25。
- The idea on low strength request ( relative to the strength of the pile shaft ) to grouted body in sedimentary region at the pile bottom is clarified. 阐明了对桩底沉渣区灌浆体低强度(相对桩身强度)要求的概念。
- Through studying it is considered that the observed antiphase reflection is not the reflection from the pile bottom, but is really the reflection of the bedrock surface. 用反射波法测试嵌岩桩的波速时.根据桩底反相反射时间计算出的波速往往偏大.超出了合理的波速范围。
- Effect Analysis Before and After Bottom Grouting of A Test Pile in Gravel Stratum 砾石层中同一根试桩桩底注浆前后效果分析
- Application of Post Grouting Technology to Bored Pile Bottom in Pile Foundation of High-Rise Building 钻孔灌注桩桩底后注浆技术在高层建筑桩基中的应用分析
- Post pressure grouting of borehole cast-in-situ pile bottom and its quality control 钻孔灌注桩孔底后压浆施工工艺及质量控制
- I have a huge pile of letters to deal with. 我有一大堆信件要处理。
- the beating layer of pile bottom 桩底持力层
- They sent the enemy ship to the bottom of the sea. 他们把敌舰击沉。
- Your letter got buried under a pile of papers. 你的信压在一堆文件下面了。
- The child was sitting on the bottom stair. 那孩子正坐在楼梯最下面的一级上。
- I intend to get to the bottom of it. 这件事我打算寻根究底。
- I bet they are making a pile out of the deal. 我肯定他们这笔生意一定赚大钱。
- He has been pile with work since he came here. 自从来这儿以后他一直有做不完的工作。
- He was always bottom of the class in maths. 他的数学成绩在班上总是垫底。
- The dregs have settled at the bottom of the bottle. 渣滓都沉到瓶底了。
- The car was now just a pile of twisted metal. 那辆汽车已经成了一堆压缩的废铁了。
- The clothes lie huddle up in a pile in the corner. 衣服乱成一团,堆放在角落里。