- pig carcass grading standard 猪胴体分级标准
- Breast blister is an important factor affecting the carcass grade of broilers. 笼养肉仔鸡胸囊肿的发生使其产品质量下降。
- Longissimus dorsi is the object of inspection for beef carcass grading based on computer vision, and marbling is a major index. 牛肉图像中背长肌区域的分割和大理石纹提取是利用计算机视觉评定牛肉胴体等级的重要步骤。
- The ammonium sulphate also reached the first - grade standard. 硫酸氨也达到头级标准。
- Japanese cattle carcass quality grading standard 日本内牛胴体品质分级标准
- In the paper, appraising methods of pork carcass grade were investigated.Appraisement models for pork carcass grade were devised. 以吉林省瘦肉型优质猪为研究样本,讨论了胴体等级评定方法和评定体系,设计了胴体等级预报模型。
- In computer grading system for beef, the segmentation of rib-eye image of beef carcass and the abstraction of marbling are the objects of inspection for beef carcass grading based on computer vision. 摘要在牛肉的计算机自动分级系统中,牛胴体眼肌图像的分割、大理石花纹的提取是利用计算机视觉评定牛肉等级的最基本及重要步骤。
- The paper puts forward that the model can help proprietors to determine the specific grading standard more scientifically. 借助模型计算分析,业主可以更加科学地确定具体的评分标准。
- By testing the tar and smoking nicotine of tobacco leaves of flue-cured tobacco 40 grading standard, a set of complete analytical data have been got. 通过对烤烟(40级)各等级烟叶焦油含量和烟气烟碱的测定,取得了一套较为完整的分析数据。
- The hotel has two main buildings, all design according to the star grade standard. 酒店拥有两幢主楼,全部按星级标准设计建造。
- The study on the relationship between lean percentage of the pig carcass read by machine and grade of pig strain 猪胴体瘦肉率仪器测定值与生猪品种等级的关系研究
- Put forward grade to go on according to output loss degree of grain because of RGS. Grading standard of RGS about variety Wuyungeng 8th was done. 提出了按稻曲病单穗产量损失的大小进行分级,制定了在武运粳8号(9516)上的分级标准。
- Occurs mainly in adults and is often related to occupational exposure through the skin in cuts or abrasions while handling infected pig carcasses. 细菌可经破损的皮肤进入人体,例如是当处理受感染猪只的尸体时所造成的皮肤伤口或磨损。
- To administer and grade standardized exams for classes. 进行课堂监考,判卷评分。
- Study on Prediction of Pig Carcass Quality from Live Animal 猪胴体品质的活体估测
- The grade standards for tomatoes have been based on such a method. 番茄的等级标准的确定就是以这种方法为基础。
- Keywords pig carcass;Salmonella;serotypes;drug-susceptibility; 屠宰生猪;沙门氏菌;血清型;药物感受性;
- Lean percentages of the pig carcasses of four grades of pig strains got by PG100 GradingProber were Investigatede, and compared with the lean percentages got by cut out trial. 使用PG100瘦肉率测定仪,对四种不同品种等级的生猪屠宰后的胴体的瘦肉率进行了测定,并与精确分割试验测定的瘦肉率进行了比较。
- The grade of groundwater resources carrying capacity of specific projects is determined according to the grading standard and the closeness degree apart from the ideal solution. 通过计算地下水资源承载力分级标准和待评价方案贴近各自理想方案的贴近度,确定待评价方案的承载能力。
- According to the present actual inosine production level in China, the united fermentation level grade standard was established. 根据我国目前肌苷生产的实际水平,对肌苷发酵生产效果进行分析,设立统一的等级标准。