- Bored and cast reinforced concrete piles were adopted as the foundation for piers and abutments of Huangjiadun Middle Bridge in Lewen Expressway. 某高速公路黄家墩中桥因墩下土层为软弱地层而采用钻孔灌注桩作为墩台基础。
- In this paper, scale models are used to study local scour around bridge piers and abutments, and the scour pit pattern and maximum scour depth, which may serve as a reference for engineering design, are given. 采用系列模型试验方法,对具体工程大型桥墩在水流和波流共同作用下的局部冲刷分别进行研究,提出了冲刷坑形态和最大冲刷深度,供工程设计参考。
- To consider the distribution of the braking and tractive forces among the piers and abutments proportional to their shear stiffness is the basic principle in the design of flexible piers. 本报告论证了柔性墩设计理论的基础是考虑墩与梁、台的共同作用,分析了柔性墩设计理论的五个特点,从而说明了柔性墩能节省大量圬工的原因。
- piers and abutments of railway bridge 铁路桥梁墩台
- construction of higher pier And abutments 高墩台施工
- Strengthening Design for Piers and Abutments of a Bridge 某桥墩台的加固设计
- He walked along the wooden pier and climbed down into the boat. 他沿著木码头走过去并爬上了船。
- Distribution of Horizontal Forces in Accordance with Anti-push Rigidity of Girder Bridge Piers and Abutments 根据墩台抗推刚度分配梁式桥的水平力
- Upstream facing interface with foundation and abut. 上游护面与地基和坝肩的连接面。
- Quality Control over Appearance of Piers and Abutments for Weihe River Extra Large Bridge #2 潍河2号特大桥混凝土墩台表面质量控制
- We stood on the pier and watched as they embarked. 我们站在突码头上目送他们登船。
- Hotel shuttle bus service between pier and hotel. 酒店穿梭巴士往返码头及酒店。
- The steamboat has come into the pier and is blowing off steam. 汽船已靠岸,正在放汽。
- Sliding stability of pier and abutment 墩台滑动稳定
- He walks along the wooden pier and climb down into the boat. 他沿著木码头走过去并爬上了船。
- piers and abutments 桥梁墩台
- Round trip transfer between the pier and Bai Chay Market. 小童优惠价适用于十二岁以下之小童.
- Reinforcement of Used Pier and Abutment on Soft Soil Ground Base 软土地基上的旧桥墩台加固
- Minimum buried depth of bridge pier and abutment foundation base 墩台基底最小埋深
- Concrete curing of bridge pier and abutment at paramos by means of warm shed 高寒地区墩台身混凝土暖棚法养护施工