- Confined to inland waters, as certain salmon. 内陆水域的限于内陆水域的,如萨蒙河的某些地段
- They have thrown out a pier to accommodate oceangoing freighters. 他们建成一个凸式码头供停靠远洋货轮使用。
- Did Mak Ming sir take direct bus from Wan Chai pier to Nan O? 滚得越远越好;首选南澳;爆偈可以坐直通巴士返香港.
- A bearded peer appeared on the pier to peer in the pier glass. 一个长胡子的贵族出现在码头上凝视着穿衣镜。
- But the capital, overseas supplier should remit it to parent company, and then remit to inland purchaser. 资金流就要先让国外供货商先打钱给你们国外的母公司,然后再让母公司打钱给国内采购商。
- Global overheating will also bring drought, famine and disease to inland communities everywhere on Earth. 全球过热还会给全球内陆地区带来干旱、饥荒和疾病。
- Method of filling pits based on size can distinguish sink cells due to inland catchment from those due to DEM errors. 伪负地形填充法可以区别真正的负地形和由于DEM误差造成的假象,并对伪负地形进行填充。
- The Norse peoples likely trekked to inland forests to hunt and harvest trees for their buildings, he added. 他讲道:“古挪威人可能跋涉到内陆树林里来打猎,并且为建造房屋而伐木。”
- This year is the fifth consecutive year that First Ferry provides ferry service from North Point West Pier to Joss House Bay during Tin Hau Festival. 新渡轮今年已是连续第五年于天后宝诞期间,提供往来北角码头及大庙湾的特别渡轮服务。
- This year is the fourth consecutive year that First Ferry provides ferry service from North Point West Pier to Joss House Bay during Tin Hau Festival. 新渡轮今年已是连续第四年于天后宝诞期间,提供往来北角码头及大庙湾的特别渡轮服务。
- At 225 metres 738 feet, this is one of the longest outdoor escalators in the world and will transport you from Pacific Pier to Bird Paradise. 全长225米738尺,是世界上其中一道最长的户外自动扶梯。您可以搭乘此扶梯由公园的太平洋海岸直达雀鸟天堂。
- From LIANYUNGANG, the cargo for LOS ANGELES, LONG BEACH, OAKLAND (Transhipment to Inland Points Of Western Amercia) could be shipped. 美国直航线由连云港至洛杉矶、长滩、奥克兰(转接其他美西内陆点)等美西港口。
- As a result, many musical dances came through the desert to the imperial courts of the Han and Tang dynasties and then to inland areas of China. 之后,当时西域(今新疆一带)各地方政权的各种乐舞,才得以经越沙漠瀚海,处处绿洲,先后传入汉、唐各代宫廷并流入内地民间
- There are many people hanging around here in the early morning.Most of them are swimming from Chao-Wu Pier to Ita Thao,3300m between,in the lake. 许多人早起到此晨泳,这里是每年中秋节前后万人泳渡日月潭的起点,从此游到伊达邵全长约3300公尺。
- Any balance of tax not covered by TRCs redeemed shall be payable directly to Inland Revenue Department on or before tax due date. 赎回储税券如不足以支付全部税款,馀数须于缴税日期或之前直接向税务局缴交.
- Take a long-tailed boat from pier to get to the Jungle Rafts or Resotel, passing by unspoiled mountainous jungle scenery. 乘长尾船从码头前往酒店办理入住,途中经过一些原始生态的山脉和丛林地带,风景甚美。
- According to Inland Revenue data continuity requirements,we apply reverse engineering method to refine and inherit valuable legacy data. 对税务数据的延续性要求,采用对遗留系统的继承策略、施行逆向工程、进化接收有价值的遗留数据。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- In 1850 the authorities in British Guiana decided that payment of postage should be shown by affixing stamps to inland correspondence. 1850年,英属圭亚那当局决定为收取内地邮件的邮资而发行邮票。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。