- We obtain an upper bounded estimate for the convergence rate of the piecewise linear interpolation. 摘要给出了分段线性插值收敛速度的一种估计。
- The main features of the system are piecewise linear gray level transformation, slope angle adjustment, mapping and normalization, feature distilling. 本系统主要特征是分段线性灰度变换、斜度调整、射归一、征提取。
- The state space of piecewise linear dynamic system is cut into some linear subspaces by several switching surfaces. 分段线性动态系统的状态空间被切换面分割成若干个线性子区间。
- The chaotic signals were generated based on iterating the piecewise linear chaotic map (PLCM) with a segment number parameter (SNP). 使用一类区间数目参数化的分段线性混沌映射,通过多次迭代此类映射产生混沌信号。
- This paper proposes a new method to get time solutions of periodic orbits and to determine their stability for piecewise linear dynamic systems. 该文提出了分段线性动态系统周期轨道的时域法求解及稳定性判断的新方法。
- Conventional models for continuous piecewise linear (PWL) functions have too many parameters which cannot compactly represent PWL functions. 因为连续分片线性常规模型使用过多参数 ,所以研究它的紧凑模型很有必要。
- Stability study and control design of DC-DC converters are handled easily and efficiently by utilizing piecewise linear systems analysis approach. 采用分段线性系统分析方法,DC-DC变换器的稳定性研究和控制器设计变得十分简单和有效。
- We give the proof about the optimality criterion and describe an efficient algorithm for piecewise linear fractional programs on the network. 为进一步解决网络图上非线性目标函数的优化问题提供了依据。
- The improved piecewise linear chaotic mapping is presented to generate the spreading codes for DS-CDMA system in this paper. 摘要本文提出用改进型分段线性混沌映射来产生DS-CDMA系统的直扩码;
- Our estimates show the error to be comparable to a standard Galerkin finite element method using piecewise linear polynomials. 估计结果表明本文格式的精度和使用分片线性多项式的标准有限元方法相当。
- Based on analysis of the asymmetrical hysteretic nonlinearity of materials, a piecewise linear asymmetrical hysteretic model was built. 摘要分析了振动压实过程中被压实材料的不对称迟滞特性,建立了一种分段线性的不对称迟滞模型。
- Image registration based on piecewise linear group parameters An improved image registration method based on pseudoperspective model and comparametric function was presented. 提出了一种基于仿透视函数模型和相机响应参数模型共同作用下图像配准算法。
- A finite-difference time-domain formulation for dispersive media, called piecewise linear current convolution (PLCC) finite different time domain (FDTD) method is presented. 摘要给出了一种高效性和高精度的算法-分段线性电流卷积时域有限差分算法,并应用于模拟电磁场在色散等离子体介质中的传播。
- This paper points out that a class of chaotic stream ciphers proposed recently is not secure enough, which is based on digital Piecewise Linear Chaotic Maps (PLCM). 该文指出一类基于数字化逐段线性混沌映射的混沌流密码方案是不够安全的。
- By using the relationship of the power functions or piecewise linear functions between distance and speed, the algorithms can be applied to any specified transfer time. 采用距离和速率成幂函数或分段线性函数关系,使算法能够实现任意指定转移时间的位置转移。
- Several theorems are given in the paper.Based on these theorems a new algorithm for finding all the solutions of piecewise linear resistive network is presented in this paper. 在给出若干定理的基础上提出了一种能保证找到分段线性电阻性网络所有解的新算法。
- In the last few years, along with the research of piecewise linear affine systems obtaining much progress, a lot of results on optimal control problems were obtained again. 近几年,随着分段线性仿射系统研究所取得的进展,其二次最优控制问题得到了深入的研究,取得了很多的成果。
- The modeling method for the current regulated Brushless DC(BLDC) motor is presented,which is based on the strategy of the piecewise linear curves used to generate the back EMF. 该方法在不影响稳定性的同时,使得控制系统的抗扰能力得到改善。
- Piecewise linear representation algorithms of time series are usually based on a single heuristic rules,difficult to apply in different characteristics of time series data. 摘要 时间序列的分段线性表示算法通常基于单一的启发式规则,难以适用于不同数据特征的时间序列。
- Using piecewise linearity system theory, the harmonic excitation nonlinear response of clearance restriction cantilever beam system was researched.Firstly, the dynamic, model of this system was build. 摘要运用分段线性系统分析理论,研究间隙约束的悬臂梁振动系统在简谐激励下系统稳态响应的动力学行为。