- phytoalexin elicitor 植物抗毒素诱导物
- So remarkable as to elicit disbelief; fantastic. 如此特别以至让人难以相信; 精彩绝伦的
- Cu2+ can be regarded as a proper abiotic elicitor. Cu2+可以认为是一种良好的非生物诱导子.
- I could elicit no response from him. 我从他那里套不出任何反应。
- Elicit the website and introduce how to surf on it. 引出学习网站,介绍使用方法。
- The police elicit the truth from her family. 警察认她家人那里得到了真实情况。
- From police car to elicit policeman. 出示警察图片。
- So remarkable as to elicit disbelief;fantastic. 如此特别以至让人难以相信;精彩绝伦的
- Art is meant to elicit emotion and reaction. 艺术就是要激发情感,引起共鸣。
- I used several days to elicit the truth from her. 我用了几天时间才从她那儿打探出事实真相。
- He thought by this little trick to elicit Butler's real name. 他想利用这个小小的花巧办法诱出巴特勒的真姓名来。
- No one could elicit any response out of the reticent little girl. 没有人能从那个沉默的小女孩身上套出任何回答。
- After much questioning, he elicit the truth from the boy. 在多次询问後,他从这男孩处诱出了真情。
- Androids can thus elicit the most natural communication. 但除了这类正当理由,石黑浩相信,人类对极像人的机器反应较好。
- We estimate that this elicit program cost the Iraqis several billion dollars. 我们评估这个违法的计划将耗资伊拉克数十亿美元。
- The detectives tried to elicit where he had hidden his loot. 侦探试图诱使他说出他藏匿赃物的地方。
- It was designed to elicit the best thinking within the government. 机构的设置是为了在政府内部集思广益。
- First of all, you need to elicit what is valuable to her. 首先,你需要找到对她什么是“有价值”的。
- Resveratrol, a phytoalexin found in grapes and other food products, has been demonstrated to be a green anticancer drug. 白藜芦醇是一种天然存在的植物抗毒素, 广泛存在于多种植物中,是防治肿瘤的绿色抗癌药物。
- Henbane (Hyoscyamus muticus) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) each rely on a different phytoalexin to successfully defend themselves against fungi typical for their habitat. 但需要强调的是由于整套评价体系的设计是基于同一时间跨度内的相对位置进行赋值,因此不同年份之间的得分并不具有可比性。