- physiological response recorde 生理反映记录器
- Chemoreception:The physiological response of a sense organ to a chemical stimulus. 化学感受:感觉器官对化学刺激所作出的生理反应.
- The pain is an automatic physiological response to the impact with a tangible object. 当被实物碰撞时,痛觉是自动的心理反应。
- Plant physiological response to salt and transgenic research was discussed in osmoregulation such as proline, trehalose, betaine, inositol. 概述水稻的渗透调节物质如脯氨酸、海藻糖、甜菜碱、糖醇类等对盐胁迫的生理反应及转基因研究;
- The second-messenger system is a set of intracellular molecules that are activated by cell surface receptors and affect cell function, producing a physiological response. 第二信使是被膜受体激活的胞内分子;通过浓度变化传递信号;影响细胞功能.;胞外的各种信号转换成胞内单一的信号;细胞只需读取这个第二信号;作出应答
- Insects keep coMunication with environMent and Make beh avioral and physiological response to cheMical and physical signals in enviroMen t to live in it. 昆虫与环境保持着信息联系,昆虫依据信号物作出以行为为主(包括生理上)的调整,以保持对环境的适应。
- Since evolution has given rise to few,if any, purposeless physiological response,it is logical to assume that crying has one or more functions that enhance survival. 译文:因为进化很少会产生无目的的反应,所以在逻辑上可以认为哭泣在提高生存方面有一个或多个作用。
- But when exposed to the pretend phone, only the allegedly electrosensitive ones reported pain.And their reports matched their actual physiological response. 当面对热源时,电敏感组和对照组都报告不适感,当面对假手机时,只有声称自己电敏感的受试报告疼痛。
- Wang H,Jin J Y,Zhou W.Effect of zinc application on physiological response of maize to different soil moisture regimes[J].Plant Nutr.Fert.Sci.,2004,10(4):367-373. [1]汪洪;金继运;周卫.;不同土壤水分供应与施锌对玉米水分代谢的影响[J]
- Since evolution has given rise to few, if any, purposeless physiological response,it is logical to assume that crying has one or more functions that enhance survival. 由于进化给我们带来很少任何毫无目的的生理反应,如果真有的话,假设哭在提高生存机率有一个或更多的作用也是符合逻辑的。
- Washing slices or cubes of certain tissues for various periods results in many physiological responses. 在不同时期内,洗涤特定的组织薄片或切块,常会引起许多生理反应。
- Physiological responses of 2-year-old Acer davidii seedlings to short-term enhanced UV-B radiation. 短期增强UV-B辐射对青榨槭幼苗生理特性的影响
- The physiological responses and their correlations of Populus hopeiensis leaves during PEG osmotic stress were investigated in this paper. 摘要对PEG渗透胁迫下河北杨叶片的生理响应及其内在关系进行研究。
- Furthermore, I also conducted a water-withholding experiment to see the physiological responses of the cutting seedlings under droughty condition. 此外,并以断水处理来了解牛樟苗面临乾旱环境时的生理表现。
- Physiological responses of Solanum nigrum L and Solanum melongena L seedlings to Cadmium stress were investigated by nutrient solution culture. 采用营养液培养法研究了镉胁迫条件下龙葵和茄子幼苗的生长及生理响应。
- Students will have the chance to learn and use equipments to measure common physiological responses of marine invertebrates. 同学们将会学习及使用一些仪器及量度海洋无脊椎动物的生理反应。
- Moreover, the internal cellular Ca 2+ could act as a second messenger to transduct the drought signal, and regulate the physiological responses induced by drought stress. 此外 ,细胞内Ca2 +可作为第二信使传递干旱信号 ,调节干旱胁迫导致的生理反应。
- I hurried in response to my friend's summons for help. 我应召急忙前去帮助我的朋友。
- An important feature of the Dartmouth study was that it neither asked the subjects to express what was funny nor tracked laughter or other overt physiological responses. 达特茅斯大学研究的一项特点是,不要求受试者表达什麽事情好笑,也不需要记录受试者捧腹大笑时的生理反应。
- You can note the dispatch order that his body place issues, baconian the physiology response that gives his climax prelude. 你可以注意他的身体所发出的讯号,并归纳出他高潮前奏的生理反应。