- Brief Introduction of Physical Education Teaching Mode in the U.S.A. 美国学校体育教学模式简介。
- The author considered it necessary to reexamine the subject orientation and content system of physical education teaching materials and methods adopted in middle schools. 认为要重新审视中学体育教材教法的学科定位和内容体系。
- For college physical education, the exploration and practice of occupationally practical physical education teaching contents should be strengthened. 高校体育应加强职业实用性体育教学内容的探索与实践。
- This paper compared the characteristics of traditional and morden tea ching,emphasized the consideration and exploration of morden physical education teaching mode. 本文对传统和现代两种教育模式特点进行了比较,着重于对现代体育教育模式的思考和探索,旨在为深化体育教育改革提供一些借鉴。
- In this paper,the evaluation method of Markov Chain of physical education teaching quality were discussed, authou explained characteri stic the of method with example. 利用马尔可夫链评估法,评价了体育专业教师的教学质量,其评价结果比其他评价方法更具合理性。
- This article elaborates that the multi-way, complexty and changeability of physical education teaching are the important steps of doing well in the teaching of physical education. 论述了体育教学过程的多元性、复杂性、可变性,阐述三者是抓好体育课教学的重要环节。
- This article discusses the basic ideas, mainline and complete structure on the reform of the physical education teaching material in universities and points out the necessity of the reform of the physical education teaching material in new era. 摘要本文主要论述了新时期高校体育教材改革的基本思想、主线体系、整体结构等指出新时期体育教材改革势在必行。
- This paper begins with the discussion of the connotation of Affective Education and of the characteristics of Physical Education Teaching. It also discusses the application of affective education in physical education teaching. 本文论述了情感教育的涵义及体育教学特点,对如何在体育教学中进行情感教育等问题进行了探讨。
- The text analyses the current situation of implementing mental healthy education in physical education teaching,and puts forward several suggestions of infiltrating mental healthy education in teaching to provide references. 本文通过体育教学中实施心理健康教育现状的分析,提出在教学中渗透心理健康教育的几点建议,以供参考。
- Nowdays,“Cheerful Physical Education"and“Discouragement Education”in physical education teaching play important roles in the process of implementing quality education and new curricular target. 在实施素质教育和新课标的今天,“快乐体育”和体育教学中的“挫折教育”两者起着举足轻重的作用。
- Chen, Y. C., &Keh, N. C. (2004). The Research of Physical Education Teaching Relection for Taiwan Elementary School Preservice Teachers. 2004 Pre-Olympic Congress Proccdings. Thessaloniki,Gress. 程钰雄、陈玉枝(2004)。省思札记在台东地区适应体育师资培育之应用研究。2004儿童健康与适应身体活动国际学术研讨会研习手册(页190-191)。台北市:国立台湾师范大学体育研究发展中心。
- It can provide quantitative evaluation with score of teachers teaching quality.The results are of high creditability and can be used in the evaluation of physical education teaching. 它能定量显示参评教师教学质量水平的分值,评估结果可信度高,可供学校体育教学评估参考使用。
- By using the method of questionnaire,documentary and online search,this paper studies condition and model of physical education teaching in universities in three provinces of Northeast China. 采用问卷法、文献资料法及网上查阅等研究方法,对东北三省高校体育教学现状及教学模式进行了相关研究。
- The primary analysis of instructive thought to the physical educational teaching patterns are proceeded. 对体育课教学模式指导思想进行了初步分析,以供教学改革参考.
- Physical Education Teaching and Coaching 体育教学辅导
- Discovery Learning in Physical Education Teaching 研究性学习在体育教学中应用的研究
- Gamble application in physical education teaching 博弈在体育教学中的应用
- Emotion,Environment aod Physical Education Teaching 情绪、环境与体育教学
- Optional Physical Education Teaching Mode 自选型体育教学模式
- Club type physical education teaching 俱乐部式体育教学