- The writer puts forward training countermeasures of promoting physical stamina level of men's beach volleyball players,offer the basis of constituting systematical stamina training plan. 提出促进沙滩排球男子运动员体能发展水平的训练策略,提供系统制订体能训练计划的依据。
- Research on the Principle of Physical Stamina Training 体能训练原理探析
- Research of Physical Stamina Training of China Men's Beach Volleyball Player 对我国沙滩排球男子运动员体能训练的研究
- Structure and Analysis on the Special Physical Stamina Training of Archery Elites 优秀射箭运动员专项体能训练的结构与分析
- Problems existing in physical stamina training for basketball sport in China and countermeasures against the problems 我国篮球运动体能训练存在的问题与解决对策
- Analysis of the Physical Stamina Training Problem of High Level Basketball Athletes in Shandong Universities 山东省高校高水平篮球运动员体能训练问题探析
- However, there are also some deficiencies: physical stamina training was defi-cient, insufficient for supporting Chinese athletes to participate in both single and doubles events; 但也存在不足之处:体能训练不足,难以支持我国运动员要参加单双项的体能;
- the essential requirements for race walking should be grasped, and the guiding ideology for the technicalization of physical stamina training should be implemented; 把握竞走运动的本质要求,贯彻体能训练技术化的指导思想;
- physical stamina training 体能训练
- The serious work came next and included slalom poles, hoops, and hurdles for zig-zag running and stamina training. 接下来的训练是一些障碍性训练跑以及耐力训练。
- Although the objective is simple, lacrosse is a fast paced, high impact sport that demands tremendous physical stamina. 虽然目的简单,但是长曲棍球是一项需要大量身体精力,高速、高强度的运动。
- Our physical stamina and owr technology are not inferior to world better team, but the main problem is the difference on notions. 当然,我们的体能、技战术虽与世界强队有差距,但主要差就差在意识的欠缺上。
- In Chinese training theories, stamina training is separated and deviated from technical training in general, and isolated from technical training in training practice. 我国训练理论界对于体能训练的认识,从总体上与技术训练是分割的、脱离的,在训练上,是孤立于技术训练之外的。
- Obese students have worse physical stamina, which should be improved by health education, taking balanced diet, correcting the unhealth life style and taking part in the physical activity. 大学生肥胖者体能素质较差,应加强营养健康教育,通过合理饮食、纠正不良生活方式及改进体育课教学方式加以改善。
- Abstract: High school physical education and health curriculum values the foundation for the development of stu-dent’s physical stamina, and also student’s choices for sports skill learning. 摘 要:高中体育与健康课程既重视学生体能发展的基础性,又重视学生运动技能学习的选择性。
- The results indicated that there were great disparity and deficiency in technology, physical stamina and competition experience of orienteering competitive level between China and the world. 结果表明:中国定向运动水平与世界定向水平之间在技术、体能和比赛经验等方面都存在着较大的差距和不足。
- Design on the Strength and Stamina Training 实施科学力量耐力训练的方案设计
- Event-related stamina training of Pingpong 乒乓球专项体能训练探讨
- college students' physical stamina 大学生体能状况
- A study on stamina training of Chinese high-level archers 对我国高水平射箭运动员体能训练的研究