- Points in the physical plane are mapped onto corresponding points in the hodograph plane. 物理平面上的点被映射到速端曲线平面上的对应点。
- So this will be so until more of the non-ascending human populace is cleansed from the physical plane. 因此这将如此,直至更多的非提升人类被从物质层净化。
- In the mastery of dream weaving, one weaves one's own dream and then monitors it to fruition upon the physical plane. 在掌握梦的编织中,一个人编织自己的梦然后监控它在身体层瓜熟蒂落。
- There is a seven fold constitution of man ranging from the physical plane to the purely spiritual plane. 人的结构从物理层面到纯粹精神层面共有七个层次。
- I intend to research my ancestry in each incident that I give my power to someone upon the physical plane and forgive. 我意愿研究将我的力量在物质层上给予别人的每一事件中的我祖先,并将其宽恕。
- Reincarnation is a concept that perceives an evolution of the soul on a physical plane. 再生的概念是指知觉灵魂在物质层面上的进化。
- It is the creative body that allows our visions and dreams to come to fruition upon the physical plane. 正是直觉体,让我们听到来自我是、超灵、源头及一切万有之神与女神的讯息。
- The complex potential on the physical plane is treated as the potential of a virtual flow on the hodograph plane. 物理平面上的复势可当作复速度平面上的一个虚拟流动的复势来进行处理。
- Do not call upon us however if your only interested is manifesting something based upon greed upon the physical plane. 不过如果你只是基于贪婪而对显化物质层上的某物感兴趣的话,就不要召唤我们。
- Apophyllite will assist initiates in taking action to bring forth changes in the physical plane that support ascension. 鱼眼石将协助提升者采取行动,以带来物理层中支持提升的改变。
- If the forgiveness cannot occur in the life, it can occur as one passes the physical plane. 如果宽恕不能在生命中发生,当你消逝在物质层的时候,它能发生。
- In the bardo, she began to review and complete with all her ties unto the physical plane. 在中阴身中,她开始回顾和结束她在物质层上的所有束缚。
- Such a feat is difficult to accomplish if one has attained wealth, fame or fortune on the physical plane. 这样的伟大功绩如果在肉体层面拥有财富或声望的话将很难达到。
- In so doing, each species subjugated themselves to humanity upon the physical plane. 这样,物质层上的每个物种都将自己屈从于人类。
- I intend to retrieve all power that has been given to nonphysical forces either directly or through another human upon the physical plane. 我意愿将或直接、或透过物质层的其他人而间接给予非物质层势力的所有力量都重新要回。
- Today the Dragon Kingdom is related unto the koto dragon, gecko, lizard, walrus, elephant seal, hippopotamus and elephant upon the physical plane. 今天的龙王国,是和物质层上的蜻蜓、壁虎、蜥蜴、海象、象海豹、河马和大象这些动物有关的。
- The silver ray aids initiates in restoring a state of authentic joy unto one's physical plane existence through restoration of a whole dream. 银色光线将会协助提升者通过恢复一个完整梦想,从而恢复一个真正欢乐的状态到物质层存在中。
- Through the subconscious, dreams may place us in attunement with those in the physical plane or those in the spiritual plane. 通过潜意识,梦会使我们调谐至物质层或灵魂层,与那里的人或灵魂相会。
- The desire for death is returned to those having this type of ascension allowing for an early retraction from the physical plane. 死亡的心愿归还给那些此类型提升的人们,好从物理层面早日收回(虚假提升)。