- Flash memory at the maximum 72 MHz system clock rate. 最大能到系统时钟的速度,不过前提是顺序指令结构。
- One 1995 microprocessor uses this deeper pipeline to achieve a 300-megahertz clock rate. 一台1995年生产的微处理器用这种更先进的流水线操作可达到300兆赫的时钟频率。
- The number of stages completed each second is given by the so-called clock rate. 每秒所完成的步骤数目用所谓的时钟频率来表示。
- In particular, they used a molecular clock rate derived from invertebrates, which is slower than the one based on vertebrates. 特别的是,他们使用从无脊椎动物推衍出的分子时钟,速度比脊椎动物的分子时钟要快得多。
- Set clock rate if a DCE cable is connected. Skip this step if a DTE cable is connected. 假如是DCE缆线连接的话,设定时钟速率。假如是DTE缆线连接的话,跳过此步骤。
- When a processor operates with a CPU clock rate of 100 MHz it can support a maximum of 25M 16-bit transfers per second. 当CPU时钟频率为100MHz时,DMA单通道能达到的16位最高传输率为25M/s。
- The new protocol used open collector signalling to allow multiple cards on the same bus but this actually causes problems at higher clock rate. 新协议可支持多种卡在同一总线上工作,但这也引起了一些问题。
- This entry specifies the maximum offset, in seconds, for which W32Time tries to adjust the computer clock by using the clock rate. 该项指定W32Time尝试使用时钟速率调整计算机时钟的最大偏移量(以秒为单位)。
- Thus, we hypothesized that as Windows XP senses that the CPU is idle, it triggers or allows the CPU to step down its clock rate. 因此,我们猜测当Windows XP判断CPU处于空闲状态时,它就触发或者允许CPU降低其时钟速率。
- You have a TestKing router that is connected to a frame relay WAN link using a serial DTE interface. What determines the interface clock rate? 你的路由器通过一个DTE串口连接到一个帧中继链路,谁提供了接口时钟呢?
- We can expect pipelines having even more stages and higher clock rates. 我们期待微处理器流水线操作,有更多的步骤和更高的时钟频率。
- Thus, the clock signal passing between the FPGA and the ADC's for each channel will physically clock in this frequency range. 这样,FPGA和AD转换器之间的时钟频率物理上落于这个频率窗口之内。
- The algorithms were used to analyze the complexity of parallel FSMs. A two-way parallel UTOPIA Level-4 interface has been designed to reduce the ten gigabit ethernet access system clock rate by one half. 以此方法为基础,设计了两路并行的10G以太网接入系统的utopiaLevel-4接口,使芯片所需的工作时钟频率降低了一半,从而证明此方法可以有效地应用于并行状态机的设计。
- The simulation indicates that this design using 9/7 filter with 3 level decompositions is able to perform compression of 1280xl024x8bit grayscale images with the speed of 21 frames per second (fps) at 50MHz system clock rate. 仿真结果表明,在50MHz系统时钟下,采用9/7滤波器经3级分解,每秒钟可处理21帧大小为1280×1024×8bit的灰白图像。
- To estimate the timing of the origin of various major animal groups, Gregory Wray of Duke University and his colleagues used a molecular clock rate based on vertebrates (animals that have a backbone). 为了估计各个主要动物类群的起源时间,美国杜克大学的瑞伊(GregoryWray)与同事使用了以脊椎动物为基础的分子时钟。
- Since the non-linearity and noise do not increase substantially with frequency, clock rates of up to ~1MHz may be used. 因为非线性和噪音实质上并不随着频率增加,时钟率大约可能被用到1MHz以上。
- Many designs require FIFO elastic buffers to form a bridge between subsystems with different clock rates and access requirements. 许多设计需要弹性缓冲器,在不同时钟速率的次系统和通道的需求中形成桥梁。
- The acoustics is a branch of physical. 声学是物理学的一个分支。
- Physical disability causes mental anguish. 生理伤残会引起心理苦闷。
- His problem is mental, not physical. 他的问题是心理的而不是身体的。