- The falling slate sliced into his arm. 落下来的一块石片划破了他的手臂。
- A skilled person can split slate into layers. 手巧的人能把板岩剖成片。
- phyllite slate 千枚板岩
- I've no change, could you put these eggs on the slate? 我没零钱,能把这些蛋钱记在帐上吗?
- Let's wipe the slate clean and forget our past quarrels. 让我们捐弃前嫌,忘却过去的争吵吧。
- This landslide is mainly composed of Sinian limestone and Cambrian carbon slate and phyllite. 该滑坡体主要由震旦系灰岩和寒武系炭质板岩、千枚岩构成。
- No slate can acquiesce to such breaches of order. 没一个国家会对此种破坏秩序的行为表示默认的。
- You must have a slate loose this morning. 今早你准是脑子出了问题。
- Draw a wet sponge across the accusing slate. 赶快拿起湿海绵把石板涂抹。
- In this area, foliated metamorphic rocks include slate, phyllite, schist and gneiss. Nonfoliated metamorphic rocks include marble, quartzite and amphibolite. 在该区出露的面理化的变质岩有板岩、千枚岩、片岩 和片麻岩,出露的非面理化变质岩有大理石、石英岩、斜长角闪岩。
- A loose slate had fallen from the roof. 一块松动的石板瓦从房顶上掉了下来。
- I am not sure if he has a clean slate. 我不知道他的历史是不是清白的。
- There is a loose slate in his house. 他精神有点不对。
- One job, I wipe your slate clean... 最后一件; 我们就两清了...
- The way they had changed from blue to slate. 我还记得他的眼睛是如何从湛蓝变成灰蓝,
- Jaspilite and altered phyllite are the main ore types. 主要矿石类型有含铁碧玉岩型和蚀变千枚岩型。
- The area has been mined for slate for centuries. 这个地区开采板岩有数百年了。
- The sea was the colour of slate. 大海的颜色像石板。
- Their cottage was roofed with green slate. 他们的小房子盖的是绿瓦。
- Verify the style Slate is selected. 确保已选中样式“石板”。