- photokinetic stimulator 光线运动刺激机
- Human Long acting thyroid stimulator,LATS Eli... 人长效甲状腺刺激素(LATS)试剂盒;
- Panic Attacks After Spinal Cord Stimulator Implantation. 脊髓刺激器植入后引起的恐慌。
- Moreover, in intact animals, BDNF is a potent stimulator of adult neurogenesis. 此外,在正常动物中,BDNF对于成人的神经发生是一种潜在的刺激质。
- Application shows that this composite stimulator can bring large profit. 应用该复合外加剂可取得较好的经济效益。
- This paper introduces a fully computerized cardiac programmable stimulator. 介绍了一种全微机化的程控心脏刺激仪系统。
- Objective To study the curative effect of stress stimulator therapy upon aircrew with acute injury of ankle ligament. 摘要目的探讨应激刺激疗法对飞行人员急性踝关节韧带损伤的疗效。
- Increasing H+ or decreasing PH can faster respiration. It is the effective stimulator to chemoreceptor. 增多或PH下降可使呼吸运动加快,它是化学感受器的有效刺激物。
- Objective To design an electrical stimulator for epileptic rats' experiment based on MSP430. 摘要目的:设计基于MSP430的用于大鼠癫痫实验的电刺激器。
- RLC model of magnetic stimulator and computations of the model parameters are presented. 本文建立了RLC磁刺激仪模型,给出了模型参数计算方法。
- The testing framework mainly divide into three parts: modeling tool, analyzer and stimulator. 这个测试框架主要分三个部分:建模工具、解析器和模拟器。
- Behind the knightly shield lays concealed a mini vibrator combined with a clitoral stimulator. 在他英武的骑士盔甲下面隐藏着一个微型的振荡器,还有一个阴核刺激器。
- Venture capital is generally regarded as the stimulator of scientific improvements and economic development. 风险投资是高新科技产业发展的催化剂和助推器,是推动科技进步和经济发展的一支重要有生力量。
- Objective To design an electrical stimulator for epileptic rats experiment based on MSP430. 目的:设计基于MSP430的用于大鼠癫痫实验的电刺激器。
- Objective:To discuss the clinical effect of nerve stimulator location on brachial plexus block. 目的:探讨应用神经刺激器辅助定位实施臂丛神经阻滞的效果。
- According to the specific requirements of the measurement system,a new design of stimulator has been proposed. 该方案采用LM317HV调整刺激器信号的电压输出幅度,最高可达80V;
- Perception is that of recognition and interpretation of sensory stimulator based chiefly on memory. 领悟力主要在记忆基础上的认识和对感觉刺激物的理解
- This implantable device includes internal RF front-end circuit, control circuit, stimulator, and on-chip transmitter. 整个植入式系统包含内部射频前端电路、控制电路、刺激器以及资料传送电路。
- The principle of the somatosensory stimulator of the ZEP series EP/EMG is described in this paper. 作者介绍了ZEP系列诱发电位/肌电图仪体感刺激器的工作原理。
- In non sintered cement,the hydration speed and quality are determined by kind and amount of the stimulator. 在无熟料水泥中,激发剂的种类和数量是决定其水化反应速度和品质的关键。