- N-Methylpyrrolidone (NMP) used as solvent for lube oil refining has strong dissolving ability, perfect selectivity, and good environmental protection function. 甲基吡咯烷酮溶剂在润滑油精制过程中溶解能力强、选择性好,具有良好的环保性能。
- It is found through experiment that the presence of the electron enrichment will greatly increase the dissolving ability of diaacid imide being combined with the acetone. 实验发现,电子富集物的加入,可以大大增加双马来酰亚胺/二胺预聚体在丙酮中的溶解性。
- Its dissolving ability depends on property of itself,such as vapor pressure and molar volume of substance and molar enthalpy of substance,which is independent of solvent's property. 结果表明:其溶解度的大小、溶解度与温度的关系、溶解度与压力的关系,只与固体溶质的性质有关。
- The optimum operation conditions were given out by non-linear programming.The study showed that the pure NMP had good dissolving ability and selectivity,pointing that the reason... 说明了纯NMP具有良好的溶解能力及选择性,也说明了可用含水量为1%25的NMP代替纯NMP进行溶剂精制的原因。
- heat-resistant inorganic phosphorus dissolving bacterium 耐高温解无机磷菌
- The simulative experiment shows that tuff fillings is obviously dissolved under the acid conditions.And with higher acid concentration, the dissolving ability of tuff fillings is intensive. 溶性模拟实验表明,在酸性水环境中,凝灰质填隙物发生明显溶蚀,并且酸性介质浓度越高溶性作用越强烈。
- Influence of Dual Inoculation of VA Mycorrihizal Fungus and Phosphorus Dissolving Bacteria and Rhizobia on the Growth of Tobacco Seedlings VA菌根真菌与根瘤菌和溶磷菌双接种对烟苗生长的影响
- A fertilizer containing phosphorus compounds. 磷肥含有磷化合物的一种化肥
- No animal or plant can exist without phosphorus. 没有一种动物或植物离开磷能够生存。
- A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. 像他这样才能出众的人终究会升到最上层的。
- It is a systematic attempt to strengthen our competitive ability. 那是为增强我们的竞争能力而作的有计划的努力。
- He is mistrustful of my ability. 他不信任我的才干。
- Industry sometimes compensates for lack of ability. 勤勉有时可以弥补能力之不足。
- phosphorus dissolving microbes 解磷微生物
- She is endowed with great writing ability. 她具有杰出的写作天赋。
- She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency. 她有处变不惊的本事。
- This is a task well within your ability. 这完全是你力所能及的工作。
- Her ability marked her out for political success. 她的才能表明她必能在政治上取得成就。
- Come, give us a taste of your ability. 过来试一试你的本领。
- The pupils are streamed into four ability groups. 这些学生按智力划分成四个小组。