- phase- lock control technique 锁相控制技术
- It simply introduced the content control technique for both ferrite and austenite phase in a duplex stainless steel and its corrosion resistance. 本文简要介绍了双相不锈钢的铁素体和奥氏体两相的控制技术及它的耐腐蚀性能。
- Chemical Control Technique for Seed Pest in Picea crassifolia kom. 青海云杉种实害虫化学防治技术。
- Congestion control technique is important for B-ISDN. B-ISDN是现代通信网的发展方向,而其中的拥塞控制技术则是一个重要方面。
- Polishing grinding head combines pneumatic machinery and lock control, and can be operated independently. 抛光磨头集气动机械与锁定控制于一体,可独立操作。
- The well trajectory control technique is focally discussed. 重点介绍了其井眼轨迹控制技术。
- Studies on the non-pullution control technique of Ceroplastcs japonicus Gr. 枣龟蜡蚧壳虫无公害防治技术研究。
- Safe net system is a passive control technique for rockfall in recent years. 危岩是我国山地一种主要地质灾害类型,拦石网是近年应用的一种落石柔性被动防护系统。
- Are statistical quality control techniques used? 是否使用了质量控制统计技术?
- Management control techniques (Proficiency Level) . 管理控制技术(要求熟练掌握)。
- But electrohydraulic synchronous control technique is not well developed. 但目前电液同步控制技术还不是十分成熟,由于电液系统本身具有非线性、不确定性和时变性等特点,从而制约了其同步性能的进一步提高。
- The following steps explain how to add validation rules to controls, and how to lock controls and thus prevent users from altering data. 下面的步骤说明如何向控件中添加有效性规则,以及如何锁定控件以防止用户更改数据。
- Control techniques understood to be beneficial are forms of current profiling during the phase energisation. 控制技术被了解是有利的是当前描出的形式在阶段加强期间。
- Auto-disturbance-rejection control (ADRC) technique is the latest achievement of nonlinear PID control technique. 自抗扰控制(ADRC)技术是非线性PID技术的新发展。
- ATSLC Automatic Transmission Shift Lock Control 自动变速器换档锁控制
- Application and Analysis of Seepage Control Technique with Vertically Paving Membrane in Qingtongxia Irrigation Area. 垂直铺膜防渗技术在青铜峡灌区的试用及分析。
- Application on Looper Control Technique in Bar Production Line of Shanxi Hongyang Iron and Steel Co. 活套控制技术在宏阳钢铁公司棒材生产线中的应用。
- Chemical control technique of stem-bulb rot caused by Fusarium solani in Cycas sp. 苏铁镰刀菌球茎腐烂病化学防治技术研究。
- The Tentative Plan of Application of Coal Moisture Control Technique in Meishan Co., Ltd. 煤调湿技术在宝钢梅山应用的设想。
- The application of one-cycle control technique in active power filter supplies a new method for the control of APF. 单周控制在有源滤波器控制中的应用,为有源滤波器控制方法提供了一条新的途径。