- The phase transfer catalyst Q-l can be repeatedly used. 相转移催化剂可反复使用。
- Tetrabromobis phenol A-diallyl oxide with higher yield was synthesized in water by using phase transferring catalyst. 摘要主要研究了在相转移催化剂存在下,水作溶剂,合成四溴双酚A-双烯丙基醚的新工艺。
- The results showed that poly( ethylene glycol) as a phase transfer catalyst can raise the conversion. 指出聚乙二醇作为相转移催化剂可增加转化率。
- Polyethylene glycols can be used as effective phase transfer catalyst in halogen exchange fluorination. 聚乙二醇可作为卤素交换氟化反应有效的相转移催化剂。
- The kinetic of hydrolysis of benzal chloride was studied by using a new kind of phase transfer catalyst in this paper. 研究了在新型相转移催化剂作用下苄叉二氯水解反应过程的动力学。
- Vinyl benzyl alcohol was synthesized by hydrolysis of 4-chloromethyl styrene with phase transfer catalyst. 以相转移催化剂催化对氯甲基苯乙烯水解,合成了对乙烯基苯甲醇。
- This paper discusses the principle with which phase transfer catalyst acts on the synthesis of paclobutrazol. 本文讨论了相转移催化剂在多效唑合成中的作用原理。
- Tetrabutyl ammonium bromide is considered as the best phase transfer catalyst, with 85.7% yield. 实验结果表明:以四丁基溴化铵为相转移催化剂,氧化反应的收率可提高到85.;7%25。
- By repeated tests, a proper amount of phase transfer catalyst in the tcr -step synthesis of paclobutrazol is fixed. 通过反复试验,确定了多效唑三步合成中相转移催化剂的最佳用量。
- Polyvinyl chloride-polyethylene polyamine resin is a new polymer phase transfer catalyst. 它是一种新型的高分子相转移催化剂。
- Dicyclohexyl disulfide was prepared by reaction of chlorocyclohexane and sodium disulfide using phase transfer catalyst(PTC). 采用相转移催化剂,氯代环已烷与二硫化钠溶液反应合成了二环已基二硫醚。
- Synthesis of ethyl iso nicotinate using BTEAC (benzyl triethyl ammonium chloride) as phase transfer catalyst was studied. 以 BTEAC(苄基三乙基氯化铵 )为相转移催化剂合成了异烟酸乙酯。
- With TBAB as the phase transfer catalyst,p\|nitroanisole is synthesized from p\|nitrochlor under the condition of microwave radiation. 以四丁基溴化铵(TBAB)为相转移催化剂,在微波辐射下,由对硝基氯苯合成对硝基苯甲醚。
- Ethyl pyruvate was synthesized from ethyl lactate using TBHP as oxidant and TBAB as phase transfer catalyst,the purity of product was over 98 %. 以叔丁基过氧化氢(TBHP)为氧化剂,四丁基溴化铵(TBAB)为相转移催化剂,有效地将乳酸乙酯氧化合成丙酮酸乙酯,产品纯度达98%25以上。
- The p-tolyl benzyl ether was synthesized by the reaction of p-cresol and benzyl chloride with phase transfer catalyst TBAB under microwave irradiation. 在相转移催化剂作用下,以氯化苄和对甲苯酚为主要原料,通过微波辐射合成对甲苯基苄基醚。
- Trichloropyridine was synthesized by reacting pentachloropyridine with zinc powder in an alkaline medium in the presence of phase transfer catalyst. 以五氯吡啶和锌粉为原料,在碱性条件下用相转移催化剂催化还原合成2,3,5-三氯吡啶。
- Methylene Bisthiocyanate was synthesized by dibromomethane with sodium thiocyanate in ethanol-water using compound R as phase transfer catalyst. 以二溴甲烷和硫氰酸钠为原料,乙醇-水为溶剂,化合物R为相转移催化剂合成了二硫氰基甲烷。
- By using phase transfer catalyst, the yield of the preparation of cyclopropane carboxylic isopropyl ester was increased. 在环丙甲酸异丙酯的合成反应中,通过相转移催化剂提高了反应收率。
- Mandelic acid and its analog can be synthesized from aromatic aldehydes and chloroform as raw material with the help of phase transfer catalyst. 以芳香醛和氯仿为原料,经相转移催化反应合成扁桃酸及其类似物。
- The Product was preparcd hy 2 - mercapto bcnzimidazole and 3- chloro propyne in propanonc as solvent without phase transfer catalyst. 先由邻苯二胺和二硫化碳合成2-巯基苯并咪唑,炔丙醇和三氯化磷合成3-氯丙炔;