- phase modulated sinusoid 调相正弦波
- Research on the diffraction characteristics of phase modulated laser beams dispersed spectrally[J]. 引用该论文 江秀娟;周申蕾;林尊琪;朱俭.
- Phase modulated resolvers can be used to model the relation between the sidereal time, right ascension and the hour angle. 工作在调相状态下的旋转变压器可以用其相位模拟恒星时与赤经、时角的关系。
- The sound signal is Doppler FM modulated based on the analysis of the moving track of the original source,and then phase modulated according to the interaural time difference. 该方法通过对原始声源运动轨迹的分析,对声源信号进行多普勒调频,并根据耳间时间差对双耳信号进行调相。
- Quasi Velocity Matched Electrooptic Phase Modulator[J]. 引用该论文 郭凤珍;于长泰;小林哲郎.
- Control system of piezoelectrical fiber-optic phase modulation[J]. 引用该论文 刘勇;周喃;朱震;朱灵;于清华;翟玉峰.
- Phase Modulation in Multiline Raman Amplification[J]. 引用该论文 XU Jianqiu;LOU Qihong.
- The pollution of noise to signal presented in the form of amplitute and phase modulated signal is closely proven by mathematical formulae. The power of AM noise is equal to that of PM noise. 本文用数学公式严密地证明了,噪声对信号的污染以调制信号的振幅和相位的形式出现,且调幅噪声的功率与调相噪声的功率相等。
- Signals are modulated through amplitude modulator and phase modulator respectively then reconstruct at the PA stage. 两个信号再经由震幅调变器和相位调变器分别做调变,最后在放大器端重新将信号重建回来。
- Phase modulation of the laser beam is obtained by EOM in the external cavity. 另外,文中还提出了一种基于双正弦调制技术的激光自混合干涉测距系统。
- Working principle of pseudorandom code phase modulation CW fuze is introduced. 分析了此体制下引信的抗侦察性能。
- If the frequency of a laser is modulated sinusoidally, the first harmonic component of saturated absorption signal can be used as error signal to stabilize the frequency of the laser. 对激光器进行频率调制, 检测原子分子饱和吸收信号中的一次谐波成分得到频率误差信号, 反馈控制可以实现激光频率的稳定。
- A synchronously pumped mode-locked yetterbium-doped fiber laser (YDFL) is obtained when the pump semiconductor laser current is modulated sinusoidally at the appropriate frequency. 通过对抽运光源半导体激光器的驱动电流进行正弦调制,实现了掺镱光纤激光器(YDFL)的同步抽运锁模。
- Ti: LiNbO3 phase modulator is the key device in closed-loop sawtooth modulation fiber-optic gyroscope. 铌酸锂相位调制器是实现锯齿波调制闭环光纤陀螺的关键器件。
- Carrierless Amplitude and Phase Modulation has emerged as the de facto standard, having captured most of the nascent market to date. 无载波振幅和相位调制正在成为事实上的标准,迄今已占了这个新生市场的大部分。
- internally phase modulated laser 内相位调制激光器
- phase modulated telemetering system 相位调制的遥测系统
- Mode locking can be induced not only by loss modulation, but also by phase modulation. 锁模不仅可用损耗调制取得,也可用位相调制来得到。
- A Pseudorandom Code Phase Modulation and Sinewave Frequency Modulation Combined Fuse. 伪随机码调相与正弦调频复合引信
- modulated sinusoid 已调正弦波