- Using a high power brushless DC motor as an example,phase current waveform of three kinds of commutation instances was shoed through computer simulation and real experiment. 以大功率永磁无刷直流电机为实例进行了仿真与样机试验验证,得到了三种换向情况下电动机相电流的仿真和试验结果。
- The principle of the switched reluctance generator (SRG) based on the description of the electromagnetic characteristic, analysis of the phase current waveform, the energy conversion and other aspects, etc. 从描述开关磁阻电机的电磁特性、相电流波形解析、机电能量转换关系等方面 ,讲述了开关磁阻电机作为发电运行的机理 ;
- Optimizing phase current waveforms of switch reluctance motors (SRM) to reduce torque ripple becomes a hotspot question for foreign and domestic researchers to deduce torque ripples of SRM. 优化开关磁阻电机的相电流波形来减小开关磁阻电机的转矩脉动是国内外学者争相研究的热点问题。
- phase current waveform 相电流波形
- The O/P current waveform and spectrum.(9). 八、输出端电流之波形与频谱。
- The armature current waveform of BLDCM were analyzed. 着重分析无刷直流电动机(BLDCM)电枢电流波形。
- The maximum absolute value reached by a voltage or current waveform. 振幅电压或电流波所能达到的最大绝对值
- The current waveform of Ferroelectric ceramics PZT95/5 depoling under tilted shock wave compression has been studied. 摘要研究了冲击波倾斜入射PZT95/5铁电陶瓷时的放电特性。
- With preionization the flash-lamp current waveform becomes favorable for improving the amplifier efficiency. 尤其加预电离后,闪光灯放电电流波形发生变形有利于提高放大器效率的变化。
- The spectrum of the whole drain current waveform (Fig. 21) is presented in Fig. 23. 全部漏极电流波形产生的电磁干扰频谱(图21)呈现在图23。
- A kind of on-line device with FPGA and DSP as the core of control circuit for monitoring lightning current waveform in transmission line is introduced. 研制基于FPGA&DSP控制核心的雷电流行波在线监测装置,较为详细地论述了其工作原理、硬件结构和软件设计。
- So PWM with higher frequence can be used to eliminate the low-frequence harmonics of bus current and reduce the distortion rate of current waveform. 因此可以采用频率更高的脉宽调制PWM脉冲,能基本上消除电网侧电流的低次谐波,减少电流波形的畸变率;
- Based on quasi-linear model, the phase current of the SRM in PWM combined with APC is computed with making programs. 基于准线性模型,编写了电压PWM和APC相结合的控制方式下相绕组电流的计算程序;
- Unfortunately I didn't save the current waveform but it was around 10 kA and more heavily damped then the can crushing coil. 不幸的是,我没有挽救电流波形,但它是约10家越来越重阻尼则可以压碎线圈。
- This paper put forward the view that non-conduction phase current which formulaically and markedly exists had the influence to the BLDCM performance. 研究表明,不导通相的电流明显存在,而且有规律且对电机性能会产生影响。
- A new AC pulse MIG welding process is introduced. And an outstanding welding current waveform capable of stabilizing the AC MIG welding arc is put forward. 采用自行研制的具有方框形外特性的交流脉冲MIG焊接电源 ,又设计了双凹形焊接电流波形 ,即过零前后的电流波形均为脉冲大电流 ,有利于交流脉冲MIG焊接电弧的连续稳定。
- Furthermore, the novel field-orientated control algorithm was achieved by generating phase current references in the three phase stationary frame. 在此基础上,给出一种直接在三相静止坐标系中产生相电流命令的磁场定向控制算法。
- The parameters of heating rate, energy, current waveform and time should be controlled precisely in order to insure the quality of minisize piece spot welding. 摘要为了确保微型件点焊质量,往往需要对点焊过程的加热速度、能量、电流波形、时间等参数进行精密控制。
- The Model 6524 High Resistance Software enables the user to view the actual current waveform that results from the applied alternating polarity test voltage. 6524型高阻测试软件使用户能够观察由施加变换极性测试电压所产生的实际电流波形。
- The generator shall be run without load for30 minutes, to record the phase current, volt, frequency, stator and bearing temperature once at intervals of10 minutes. 电机应空载试运行2小时,每隔30分钟记录一次相电流、组和轴承温度。