- This might account for their pessimistic views. 这可能是他们持悲观看法的原因。
- This might account for his pessimistic views. 这也许是他持悲观主义观点的原因。
- Do you subscribe to her pessimistic view of the state of the economy? 你是否同意她对经济状况所持的悲观看法?
- His is a pessimistic view of man to which I have never subscribed. 他对人类怀有一种悲观的看法,对此我从不认同。
- Egoists are inclined to take a pessimistic view of life. 利己主义者往往对生活持 悲观态度.
- When I allow you to a day Pessimistic view of the night? 我几时准许过你一天到晚悲观论调的?
- Do you subscribe to her pessimistic view of the state of the economy ? 你是否同意她对经济状况所持的悲观看法?
- Is it a better choice if you choose the negative and the pessimistic view? 难道选择否定和悲观会比较好吗?
- He is a gloomy person, who always holds a pessimistic view towards things. 他就是个愁人,无论什么事总是想不开。
- Take a pessimistic view of ... 对。。。抱悲观见解
- The pessimistic view ignores that we have some parallel interests and that we are compelled to coexist. 悲观者忽视我们有一些并行不悖的利益而不得不共处。
- VIC: But, despite this pessimistic view, sales of this model far outnumbered projections. 但无视这些悖论,这一型号的销售额直线上升。
- All those who take a pessimistic view of the world situation should change their point of view. 一切对世界形势作悲观观察的人们,应将自己的观点改变过来。
- The banks took a pessimistic view of the prospects of the commercial sector,and credit became even more difficult to obtain. 银行界对各行业的前景又不乐观,信贷也更趋向保守。
- Eastern Christianity, which takes a less pessimistic view of human nature than Augustine or Aquinas did, has answers to such dilemmas; so has Buddhism. 东正教在人类本性的问题上比奥古斯丁或阿奎那的意见稍乐观,对于此类两难困境自有答案;佛教亦有自己的解决之道。
- The banks took a pessimistic view of the prospects of the commercial sector, and credit became even more difficult to obtain. 银行界对各行业的前景又不乐观,信贷也更趋向保守。
- Despite his pessimistic view of the world and high praise of death, Zhua ng Zi never negated the value and joy of the worldly life. 他是厌世愤世的,但 绝不因此而否定人生; 他等是非、齐万物,为死亡之神高唱赞歌,但又始终把握着自我的感 性生命,肯定此在的乐趣,以审美的、艺术化的眼光去审视人生,游弋人生。
- Hong Kong's revival and prosperity has completely shattered the postcolonial observers' pessimistic view of its future since its return. 香港回归后的复苏与繁荣,已经彻底粉碎后殖民观察家对香港前途的悲观预测。
- On the nervous system then there is a pessimistic view : "The structure of fuzzy, fuzzy disease, more ambiguous functions. 当时对神经系统有一种悲观论调:“模糊的结构,模糊的病症,更模糊的机能。”
- In these novels Hardy describes with great pain the deterioration of the rural life in southern England and expressed his pessimistic view on human life at large. 在他的“威塞克斯小说”中,哈代以及其沉痛的笔触描写了英格兰南部乡村生活的败落,并表达了他对整个人生悲观态度。