- The biography of a person written by that person. 自传由本人所写作的传记
- Tts written history goes back about 3,500 years. 有文字记载的历史可以上溯到3,500年之前。
- Two important stages came not so long before the dawn of written history. 有两个重要阶段是在有文字记载的历史出现之前不久开始的。
- Now each of the 55 minority ethnic groups has a brief written history. 现在,中国55个少数民族都各自有了一部文字记载的简史。
- We do not need to invent a good story - We write history since 1886. 我们不需要去编造一个动听的故事-自从1886年我们就书写了历史。
- The similarity between the two reports suggests that one person wrote both. 那两个报告极其相似,这意味着它们出自一人的手笔。
- Herbal medicine has been a part of the written history of Chinese medicine for over 4, 000 years. 草药是中医的一部分,仅文字记载的历史就有4 000多年。
- The written history of China begins with the Shang Dynasty, ca. 1600 BC - ca. 1100 BC. 中国的文字记载的历史以商朝开始;大约公元前1600年-大约公元前1100年.
- Bush added, everyone who writes history is prejudiced. “他们或者支持我,或者反对我,他他们自有其观点。”
- Another thing, we can do is probably to play some Chinese game in our website, such as BUILD A DRAGON --- first person write a sentence, then ask a question for the next person. 为了提高孩子们的学中文的兴趣,我们的老师可以让班里的学生回家以后在网络上玩中文接龙的游戏。比如前一个孩子说:你最喜欢吃的是什么?下一个接的人就必须先回答这个问题,然后再问一个他感兴趣的问题。
- With the patriarchal family, we enter the field of written history a field where comparative jurisprudence can give valuable help. 随着家长制家庭的出现,我们便进入成文史的领域,从而也进入比较法学能给我们以很大帮助的领域了。
- If Octavian controlled the written history of Cleopatra's death, then maybe the story that he wanted her alive was just another piece of propaganda. 如果屋大维控制了克利奥帕特拉死亡历史的记载,那么他想要活捉她的说法只是他的宣传当中的另外一种说法。
- We were not certain whether it was first made in China, but when silk came into written history only the Chinese were producing it. 我们不能肯定丝绸是否最先在中国生产,但文字记载中最早出现丝绸时,只有中国在生产丝绸。
- Shakespeare wrote histories and tragedies. 莎士比亚写过历史剧和悲剧。
- A pop song is written in a "factory" where one person writes the words, someone else the music, and other musicians record it. 流行歌曲是在一个人写词,另外一个人谱曲,其他的音乐人录制的一个“工厂”中产生的。
- Perhaps you have never known Anyang and perhaps you have never arrived at Xiaotun, but the Chinese glorious written history drew back prologue just from here. 也许你不曾知道安阳,也许你没到过小屯,但中华有文字记载的辉煌历史却从这里拉开了序幕。
- You leave me, let me lose a rib, then I am disabled , have become a person writing on the keyboard with the finger. 你离开我,让我失去一根肋骨,于是我残废了,变成了一个用手指在键盘上写字的人。
- You can pick out the important bits ,for it is one thing to write a letter ,another to write history. 你可以择要摘取,因为写信是一回事。写历史是另一回事
- Tolstoy's historicism is a reaction against a method of writing history. 托尔斯泰的历史决定论是对一种写历史的方法的抗议。
- Taiwan was the inscription positive campaign commander Marshal Nie Rongzhen personally wrote the "monument to the liberation of Shijiazhuang," the eight gold-filled characters. 碑文台正面是当年战役指挥者聂荣臻元帅亲笔题写的“石家庄解放纪念碑”八个镏金大字。