- personal web watcher 智能检索
- ICP, and Personal web site with high traffic. 高流量的商业或个人网站都可以加入。
- Huatuan Dot Com -? Personal web site Order form. 华团网站?-个人网站订购表格.
- How to create a personal Web Album? 如何制作个人的网上相簿?
- Please link my personal web page to yours, won't you? 请把我的个人网页链接到你的网站上,好吗?
- For example, if you never include nicknames or personal Web sites in your merged documents, don't export those fields. 例如,如果您决不会在合并的文档中包含昵称或个人网站,则不要导出这些域。
- Nowadays, blogs and personal web space are very popular.But our fashion is a website of our own. 博客和个人空间现在已经是一种时尚,而我们的时尚是:拥有网站,自己的个人网站!
- Comes with all the great features which will give you a comfortable, joyful and personal web surfing experience. 您网上冲浪的首选浏览器。内建大量方便实用的功能,给您一个舒适快乐的上网体验。
- To carry out direct marketing DM (onetoone,), and the combination with the personal Web site. 开展onetoone、DM(直邮)和跟个人web网站结合的宣传活动。
- Blogs are being used more and more by teachers. Many Internet services now offer free and easy ways to create personal Web pages. 越来越多的老师正在使用博客。很多网络服务商如今提供了免费的以及容易的方式给人们开个人网页。
- There have been online public postings ever since the invention of Usenet newsgroups in 1979, and personal web sites also have a long history. 自从1979年新闻组诞生以来,公众贴子就一直存在,个人网站也有很长的历史。
- You can choose to share your download link with anyone or everyone.You can also hotlink your images for use on weblogs or personal web pages. 可是设置用户权限,也可以在你的网络日志或者个人网页中增加图片连接。
- The crosses, zigzags, and spirals woven by some spiders have long puzzled web watchers. 一些蜘蛛编织的纵横交错呈螺旋状的的蜘蛛网曾一度让蛛网观察者们困惑不已。
- On this basis, we propose a system to help users personalize Web pages. 使用者可以根据个人的喜好决定网页中资讯的去留。
- Visual Web Developer comes packaged with the Personal Web Site Starter Kit, which creates a Web site that includes your latest news, a photo album, and other features. Visual Web Developer附带个人网站初学者工具包,该工具包可以用来创建包含最新消息、相册以及其他功能的网站。
- One-third of workers who think their managers are unaware of their personal Web surfing use their work computer to find a new job, according to the study. 研究显示,工作期间上网求职的雇员中,有三分之一的人认为雇主对他们的网上行为一无所知。
- When editing HTML files, you can test HREF links by double-clicking and you cantest your Web page in a browser even with local Web sites using a personal Web server. 在编辑HTML文件的时候,你可以通过双击测试HREF链接,并且你可以使用一个个人网络服务器在你的本地浏览器上测试你的网页。
- Cookies can also help us to personalize web content and meet the desires of our visitors. Cookie还可以帮助我们对网站内容进行个性化设置以及满足访问者的要求。
- Use this zone to enable users to edit and personalize Web Parts controls on a page. 使用此区域使用户可以对页面上的Web部件控件进行编辑和个性化设置。
- Personalized Web page recommendation can satisfy the users' demand for information efficiently and conveniently. 个性化网页推荐能高效、便捷地满足用户的信息需求。