- A musician with masterly ability, technique, or personal style. 演奏能手功力深厚、技巧娴熟或有个人风格的音乐师
- Her uniquely personal style is much imitated. 她独特的个人风格被大量地被模仿。
- A filmmaker, usually a director, who exercises creative control over his or her works and has a strong personal style. 电影导演电影制作者,通常为导演,其作品应用创造性的手段并具有强烈的个人风格
- The 50 leaders are anything but uniform in philosophy or personal style. 这50位CEO在其它方面并无过人之处,但是他们独到的经营理念和个人风格却又有惊人的统一。
- Use any two films of Tsui Hark to illustrate his personal style and the allegorical messages implied in them. 请以徐克两部电影;来说明他的个人风格以及所蕴含的寓意.
- Dissertation Foundational Training and Personal Style was issued on Arts Education. 论文《基础训练与个人风格》在《艺术教育》上发表。
- She may no longer be merely a former Super Girl, but will Angela sort out a personal style? 现在安又琪不仅仅只是一个前任的超级女声,但是她会创造出一种属于自己的个人风格吗?
- Quan Yifeng and Matilda Tao because they are quick-witted and have their own personal style. 权怡凤、陶晶莹。机智、反应快、有个人特色。
- When I'm obsessed with something, it's reflected in everything I do. Even my personal style. 如果我对某件事物狂热,就会反映在我所做的任何事上。即使是我的个人风格。
- Current artists combine the tradition of tattooing with their personal style creating unique, amazing body art. 当代艺术家们将传统文身艺术同他们的个性特点相结合创造出独特新奇的人体艺术。
- To recognise your personal style of driving, ATM consistently registers the position and use of the accelerator pedal. 为了识别你的个人驾驶风格,ATM连续记录加速踏板的位置和使用情况。
- Finally, Aalto developed his own personal style, which is often described simply as "organic". 最后,Aalto探索出了自己的艺术风格,被公认为“博采众长,融会贯通”。
- My personal style I'm pretty laid-back. A pair of jeans, a cute top and lots of sweaters. When it's cold anyways. 我的个人风格:我穿衣风格很随意的。牛仔裤,可爱的小背心以及很多的毛衫,当然是冷的时候才穿。
- In writing,the only important thing in a book is the author's personal style and feeling,as shown in his judgment and likes and dislikes. 在写作上,一部作品中的唯一重要的东西,就是作家在判断上与好恶上所表现的个人的风格和感觉。
- Kaufman also notes that today's tennis stars are photographed when they're off the court, too, giving more of a glimpse of their personal style. 考夫曼还指出,如今的网坛明星在赛场之外也成为摄影师关注的焦点,他们的个人风尚由此得到更多展现。
- Although Liu Guoqiang can still see these two works of art practice. But his personal style and appearance of the art form and improve gradually. 虽然刘国强作品中仍然可以看到这两种艺术风尚的影响,但他个人的艺术面貌与风格也逐步形成和完善起来。
- D., author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Being Sexy, suggests "truly tapping into your own personal style of sexiness." Sweatpants, anyone? 学语言最好玩的,莫过于看到别人生动、入木三分的表现法,那是非母语人士很难想像的用法呢。
- How to discover yourself and the personality styles of your bosses? 如何了解你和上司的个性风格?
- "Looking at one's personal style, tastes and interests as we look for ways to be happy today is very important," says Becker-Holstein. 贝克尔-荷尔斯泰因说:“在我们寻找快乐方法的时候,先看看自己的风格、品味、爱好,这点很重要”贝克尔-荷尔斯泰因说。
- Bissell rose quickly through the ranks at ABT, earning remarkable critical praise for his grand-scale technique and the nobility of his personal style. 在美国芭蕾舞剧院,比斯尔如锥处囊中,其高超的技术和高雅的个人风格获得一致好评。