- Geneen's personal skills were regarded by many as truly remarkable. 许多人认为吉宁的确身手不凡。
- Promote students'ability to upgrade personal skills as they identify the need. 根据学生的需求,培养他们不断提升个人技能的能力。
- You can develop your personal skills inventory by apprenticing yourself to a master. 你可以通过拜大师当学徒来增加自己的技能储备。
- A person skilled in the use of a gun. 善于用枪的人
- A person skilled or involved in polemics. 辩论家;辩论文章作家在辩论上有经验的或参与的人
- A person skilled or learned in mathematics. 数学家在数学上熟练或有学问的人
- As a matter of fact,the Australian team can rival the American team in many respects,especially in personal skills and team work. 实际上,澳大利亚队在很多方面都能与美国队媲美,尤其是在个人技术和团队合作方面。
- As a matter of fact, the Australian team can rival the American team in many respects, especially in personal skills and team work. 实际上,澳大利亚队在很多方面都能与美国队媲美,尤其是在个人技术和团队合作方面。
- He owns good person skills so that he can hit it off with everyone who he socialized with. 他拥有良好的人际交往能力以致于他能够与他所交往的每个人都很投缘.
- Based on your personal skills and current working experience, you might be asked to support the CDM commercial team for customer liaisons. 根据您的个人技能和当前工作的经验,可能会要求您以支持清洁发展机制的商业团队为客户联络。
- BWE provides a comprehensive career mentoring service for those who wish to develop their career and personal skills through an enjoyable and rewarding process. BWE同时也为那些希望通过愉快且有效的方式发展事业和提高个人技能的人提供全面的事业督导服务。
- The programme is designed to allow individuals with exceptional personal skills and experience to come to or remain in the United Kingdom to seek and take work. 程序设计成使拥有特别技能和经验的个人来到或在英国留下并且工作。
- A person skilled in mountain climbing is a mountaineer. 译文:一个负责或操作发动机的人是机械工。
- It emphasizes on public policy making for health, supportive environment construction, personal skill development, community actions and the health service re-orientation. 它强调制定健康的公共政策、营造支持性环境、发展个人技能、加强社区行动,以及卫生服务的重新定位。
- Business coaching provides the perfect platform for developing personal skills and behaviors that are necessary for implementing organizational changes and initiating the learning process. 教练业务平台提供完美的个人发展所需要的技能和行为,并实施组织变革启动学习过程。
- We also offer a look at our often-benchmarked approach to staying contemporary through learning opportunities for all employees that sharpen personal skills and build deeper knowledge. 在中国,霍尼韦尔被中国政府授予“知名”商标的称号。在印度,霍尼韦尔则被列为“超级商业品牌”。
- The exceptions are information or data which are of public knowledge or which are obvious to a person skilled in the art. 但已被公众所知悉的信息和数据,以及在艺术领域能够明显体现其个人特点的技能除外。
- They shun personal fame and gains. 他们不计个人名利。
- Every person is accountable for his own work. 每个人都要对自己的工作负责。
- That kind of person is anything but a Marxist. 那种人根本不是马克思主义者。