- A person in charge of stage machinery. 掌管舞台机械装置的人
- A person in charge of a parade or ceremony. 司仪者,司礼官负责游行或典礼的人
- I'd like to see the person in charge of purchasing. 我想拜见负责采购的人。
- A person in charge of paying wages and salaries. 出纳员负责支付薪金和工资的人
- He is the person in charge of the project. 他是这项工程的主管。
- Could you introduce me to the person in charge of this line? 能把我介绍给这个商品的主管人吗?
- Name and resume of the person in charge of the preparation; and. 筹建负责人名单及简历。
- He is personally in charge of all the arrangements. 他亲自负责作这一切安排。
- Person in charge of or employed at a particular thing. 在特殊事情上,对其负责、或者被雇用的人。
- Curator, the person in charge of a MUSEUM, library, etc. 此处比较倾向博物馆或图书馆的"管理员",而非法律上的"监护者"。
- My boss, I mean the person in charge of the office, left last week. 老板,我的意思是这个办公室的负责人,上星期走了。
- The signature of the person in charge of the feeding and breeding unit. 饲育单位负责人签名。
- He is in charge of the operation of the steel mill. 他负责这家钢厂的经营工作。
- I am in charge of financial affairs. 我职掌财务。
- I'm in charge of the Marketing Department. 我是负责/掌管市场部的。
- He's the chief, in charge of the whole show. 他是主管,负责全盘工作。
- The butler is in charge of the wine cellar. 仆役长负责管理酒窖。
- Would you please tell me the name of the person in charge of the sales department? 请告诉我销售部负责人的名字好吗?
- A person in charge of maintaining or restoring valuable items,as in a museum or library. 保管者负责保养或修复(博物馆或图书馆)贵重物品的人
- He is in charge of the municipal housing project. 他主管该市建房计划。