- A purse has been made up for the flood victim. 已经为水灾灾民募捐到一笔款子。
- We are collecting money for the famine victim. 我们在为遭受饥荒的灾民募捐。
- perpetration victim 侵犯型被害人
- He fell a victim to the dagger of the assassin. 他死于刺客的匕首之下。
- She fell an easy victim to his temptation. 她经不起他的诱惑,轻易地被骗了。
- The lion attacked its victim with great ferocity. 狮子凶猛地扑向猎物。
- The victim's face was battered to a pulp. 受害者的脸打得血肉模糊。
- The victim's dismemberedbody was found in a trunk. 在一只大箱子里发现了受害者遭肢解的躯体。
- He soon fell victim to her charms. 他很快就让她的魅力给迷住了。
- The victim was smothered to death. 受害人被窒息致死。
- The cancer victim was reduced to skin and bones. 那个癌症患者瘦得皮包骨。
- He became a victim of circumstances. 他成了命运的牺牲品。
- He was a pigeon, a victim of a confidence game. 他上当受骗了。
- What is your relationship to the victim? 你是受害者的什么人?
- The criminal knifed his victim in a rage. 罪犯在暴怒之下,刀刺了被害者。
- The mugger thrust at his victim with a knife. 抢劫者用刀子向受害人刺去。
- The murderer crept up on his unsuspecting victim. 那个杀人凶手悄悄逼近毫无戒备之心的受害者。
- He infer from the letter that the accused know the murder victim. 他从信中推断被告认识谋杀的受害者。
- The church service is a memorial to the disaster victim. 该礼拜仪式是悼念这场灾难中的受害者。
- A post-mortem showed that the victim had been poisoned. 尸体检验表明受害者是被毒死的。