- The spectacular southern Alps of the south island which rise are made permanents snow fields and many glaciers including 19 peeks exceeding 3,000 meters. 南岛的南阿尔卑斯山脉雄伟壮观,海拔3000米以上的高峰就有19座,耸立在中原白雪皑皑的原野和冰川上。
- permanent snow field 长年积雪区
- The shout from his heart never faded away in the snow field. 这心灵的呐喊从未消逝。
- The airplane can fly over the endless snow field without any difficulty. 飞机能够毫无困难地飞越这一望无际的茫茫雪原。
- The zoo is even considering creating a new polar bear enclosure with a permanent snow canon. 该动物园甚至还考虑为北极熊另建一个新家,在那里长年用“雪炮”为北极熊营造冬季。
- The Kiyosato Winter World takes place in the wide-open snow field in front of the Seisenryo Hotel in Kiyosato. 以清里的饭店清泉寮前面开阔的雪原为“清里冬天的世界”的举办会场。
- In April 19 to April 24 period, there were nine points down the Chinese people in the Arctic snow field arduous trek. 在4月19日至4月24日期间,还有9个追寻北极点的中国人在雪原上艰苦跋涉。
- May our friendship be like a snowball that rous further and further and bigger and bigger in the clean and clear snow field. 愿我们的友谊像雪球;在纯洁的雪地里越滚越远;越滚越大.
- Afer the final exam,Yingying didn't afraid of hardwork and contacted with the new skee field to let us release ourselves in the expansive snow field. 期末结束,莹莹还不辞辛劳,联系我们去新开的平谷渔阳滑雪场,在冰天雪地的世界里卸去一年的郁闷,在广阔的雪地间释放自我!
- That absolute expanse might be difficult, even unbearable, to contemplate, like an infinite snow field of time, but the conception at least carried with it the serenity of the eternal. 可能很难设想宇宙绵延无期,就像时间的无垠雪原,这种想法甚至令人难以忍受,但是这一观念至少给人以永恒的宁静感。
- Here you witness an astonishing variety of environments, from desert to rain forest, from tropical beach to white snow field, from big, sophisticated cities to vast uninhabited areas. 在这里,游客可以观赏到令人称奇,富丽多姿的地形地貌,从沙漠到热带雨林,从热带的海滨到白雪覆盖的原野,从繁华热闹的大都市到大片人迹罕至的地区。
- When I got up early this morning, it was snowing heavily, what a snow white world! Let me just be wild in the snow field! 早晨起来,大雪飞飞扬扬下得正紧,好一个冰雪世界!让我在这雪地上撒点野!
- Cold northern winter, the average temperature of January fluctuated plain zero. And the Alps the temperature can drop to minus 20 degrees, and even some mountain snow fields. 北方地区冬季寒冷,一月份波河平原的平均气温为零度,而阿尔卑斯山区气温可降到零下20度,有些山峰甚至终年积雪。
- Nothing can assure permanent happiness. 没有什么东西能确保永久的幸福。
- Attack the trail with the The North Face Men’s Assailant GTX Hiking Shoe on your feet, and fear not of stream crossings, rainy weather, or snow fields. 攻击径与北脸男子行凶GTX的登山鞋的脚,和恐惧而不是流点,有雨的天气,或雪领域。
- I'm looking for a permanent appointment. 我正在寻找固定的工作。
- Let me be wild in the snow field 让我在这雪地上撒点野
- She is looking for permanent employment. 她正在找固定的工作。
- The field artillery pounded away at the for tress. 野战炮兵连续炮击那座要塞。
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。