- permanent magnet loudspeaker 永磁扬声器
- permanent magnetic loudspeaker 永磁式扬声器
- Hangzhou Permanent Magnet Group Co., LTD. 杭州永磁集团有限公司。
- Permanent Magnet Lifter is a kind of lifting gear. 永磁起重器是起重工具的一种。
- A bar on horseshoe magnet is called a permanent magnet. 棒形或马蹄形磁体称为永磁体。
- Slowly move the permanent magnet in a circle above the compass. 在指南针上方,绕着圆圈慢慢地移动永久磁铁。
- Key technologies in making permanent magnet motor were introduced. 介绍了永磁电机制造中的关键工艺。
- Switch on by permanent magnetic force.Coils will not get burnt. 永磁力合闸保持,无需合闸线圈工作,没有线圈烧毁的可能。
- permanent magnet dynamic loudspeaker 永磁动圈式扬声器
- Sintered NdFeB permanent magnetic material has outstanding magnetic properties. 烧结钕铁硼永磁材料具有优异的磁性能。
- A distinction between positive(north) and negative(south) magnetic poles of an electromagnet or permanent magnet. 一种电磁体或永磁体的南北磁极之间的区别。
- A distinction between positive(north)and negative(south)magnetic poles of an electromagnet or permanent magnet. 一种电磁体或永磁体的南北磁极之间的区别。
- To do this, hold the permanent magnet several inches directly above the north end of the compass. 要做到这一点,可将永久磁铁置于指南针北极一端正上方几英寸高的地方。
- Other objects become magnetic only when in a magnetic field caused by a permanent magnet or an electromagnet. 其它物体只有在处于永久磁铁或电磁铁形成的磁场中时才具有磁性。
- It should constantly keep clean and smooth of the holding surface of the permanent magnet hoisting machine. 应始终保持永磁起重器吸持面的清洁与平整。
- Don't pull the handle if there is no steel-magnetic material under the permanent magnet hoisting machine. 永磁起重器下无铁磁性材料时,不可扳动手柄。
- If you bring a permanent magnet near a compass and move it around, the compass will react. 如果把一块永久磁铁拿到指南针附近,并围绕指南针移动,指南针将做出反应。
- Once you have tested the compass, remove the permanent magnet from the experiment area. 检测完指南针后,将永久磁铁从实验区移走。
- Advance and application of DPMS series high intensity permanent magnetic separators in recent two years are described. 介绍了DPMS系列永磁强磁选机近两年的进展及有关的使用情况。
- USES: Used for making metallic samarium, permanent magnetic materials and electronic devices, etc. 用途:供制作金属钐、永磁材料、电子器件等用。