- periurethral striated muscle 尿道周围横纹肌
- The multinucleate cells of striated muscle. 横纹肌的多核细胞
- Fenarol has proved to be effective as a striated muscle relaxant. 已证明芬那露是疗效很好的横纹肌松弛药。
- Conclusion The Panax Notogisenosides Injectionmight have protected for the striated muscle after IR. 结论三七总皂甙注射液对人下肢体IR后横纹肌的损伤有保护作用。
- Any of the threadlike fibrils that make up the contractile part of a striated muscle fiber. 肌原纤维一种线状的纤维,它组成了有条纹肌肉的可收缩部分
- The quadriceps and gluteus maximus have the highest concentration of striated muscle fibers, a pure measure of strength. 如果你以持续无疲劳为标准测量肌肉力量,那么心肌将是最强壮的肌肉。
- This kind of little patient in all 13, among them 10 leukaemia, a lymphatic tumour reachs caruncle of 2 striated muscle. 此类患儿共13例,其中10例白血病,1例淋巴管瘤及2例横纹肌肉瘤。
- Results In 24 specimens, the progressive differentiation of implanted satellite cellsinto fully developed striated muscle fibers could be observed. 结果 在24例标本中卫星细胞分化成为带有横纹德肌纤维;
- This kind of wave may increase the excitability of muscular tissue and have a fine stimulative and contractive effect on the striated muscle. 此波不易产生适应,能提高肌肉组织的兴奋性,对横纹肌有良好的刺激收缩作用。
- Striated muscle cells connected with the neonate chondrocytes firmly.Neonate capillaries and micro blood vessels of various diameters were abundant in striated muscle stratum. 其外层可见横纹肌细胞,其间有大量的新生的直径不等的微血管和毛细血管,软骨细胞与肌细胞之间连接紧密。
- Abstract A method for obtaining longitudinal sections of fresh frozen striated muscle with a cold knife mouted by coolers and cold anti-roll plate is described. 摘要 作者介绍一种用冷刀纵切新鲜冰冻肌肉的方法。此种冷刀由半导体致冷器致冷,并附有冷却的防卷板。
- In addition, the Job's tears element that contains in Yi rice has inhibition to striated muscle, can reduce wrinkle, the person that loves the United States mights as well eat more. 此外,苡米中含有的薏苡素对横纹肌有抑制作用,可减少皱纹,爱美的人不妨多吃。
- It is the first study on the striated muscles histologic structure characteristcs of the main native cattle in Yunnan. 采用组织学、电镜方法对云南主要地方牛种大额牛、云南瘤牛、中甸牦牛、迪庆黄牛和中甸牛扁牛的肌纤维特性作了系统研究。
- While there were epidermic thicking scar formation and degeneration of striated muscles under microscope. 显微镜下可见表皮增厚,瘢痕及横纹肌退变等异常改变。
- A toxic alkaloid found in certain tropical South American trees that is a powerful relaxant for striated muscles; used by South American indians as an arrow poison. 热带南美洲树木中的一种有毒生物碱,对肌肉有强力的松弛作用,被南美洲印第安人用作箭毒。
- waxy necrosis of striated muscle 横纹肌蜡样坏死
- The diagnosis of spinal compression by a cysticercus cyst, in view of the evident calcification in the striated muscles, was made, and the case was prepared for laminectomy. 考虑到横纹肌存在明显的钙化,所以诊断为囊尾蚴囊肿压迫脊椎,并准备作椎板切除术。
- the multinucleate cells of striated muscle 横纹肌的多核细胞
- Atypical striated muscle cell present 非典型横纹肌细胞存在
- In magnesium sulfate group,ooze was found to adhere to the surface, some lymph cells and acidthirst white cells infiltrated in the derma, hyperemia edema appeared in striated muscles, tissues extensively changed, and necrosis appeared. 硫酸镁组表面渗出物附着 ,真皮内少许淋巴细胞、嗜酸粒细胞浸润 ,充血水肿 ,组织变性、坏死。