- periterndinitis serosa 浆液性腱鞘炎
- The collagen in the serosa is made up of a triple helix molecular structure. 绒毛膜上的胶原组成了三角形的落选分子结构。
- Our gut strings are from a Indian craftsman using only mutton serosa. 我们的羊肠弦由印度工匠,仅使用羊浆膜制作而成。
- Before ovulation and after ovalation, the change of serosa is not distinct. 产卵前和产卵后浆膜层无明显变化,产卵时厚度明显变薄。
- During operation, an indurated gastric mass with torturous vessels on serosa was seen. 手术中外科医师注意到在胃的大弯处有另一肿瘤。
- Laceration of the colonic serosa or mesocolon complicated by colonoscopy is rare but probably overlooked. 摘要大肠镜检并发结肠浆膜层或肠系膜撕裂伤相当罕见,可能多数被忽视。
- Adventitia consisted mainly of serosa structure,but the connective tissue was at the oviduct propria side. 肌肉层由内斜、外环两层平滑肌构成。
- Then, tunica serosa, tunica mucosa and tunica submucosa were striped so that intact tunica muscularis were reserved. 然后,分别将浆膜、粘膜和粘膜下层剥去,获得完整的胃肌层标本;
- The structure of the oviduct consists of mucosa opithlium, lamina propria and serosa. 结果表明,棘胸蛙输卵管结构可分为粘膜上皮层、固有层、浆膜层。
- The results show that the digestive tract consist of 4 layers, including mucosa, submucosa, muscular coat, and serosa. 结果表明,消化道管壁由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层和浆膜构成。
- The wall of digestive tract is made up of four layers, which are the mucosa, tunica submucosa, muscularis and serosa. 消化道管壁由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层和浆膜层构成。
- The survival rate of serosa level involved was higher than that of extraserosa and/or rectum wall fat. 浸润至浆膜层组的生存率高于侵袭穿透浆膜外或直肠肠管外组。
- Identification of Gastric Cancer by Autofluorescence Spectrum in Gastric Serosa[J]. 引用该论文 马君;毛伟征;李颖;史晓风;王荣;郑荣儿;孟继武.
- The results demonstrated that R. anatipestfer infection can impair liver and serosa, and thus caused the necrosis of liver and the serositis. 证实了鸭疫里氏杆菌主要侵害浆膜和肝脏,引起多发性浆膜炎和肝坏死。
- Clear fluid accumulates in a sac of tunica vaginalis lined by a serosa with a variety of inflammatory and neoplastic conditions. 因各种各样的炎性和肿瘤的原因,透亮液体在由浆膜围绕形成的睾丸鞘膜囊中聚集。
- The tumor was histopathologically an ovarian endometrioma invading the serosa of the ileum, and it resulted in intestinal mucosal tearing to bleed. 此肿瘤乃一卵巢子宫内膜异位瘤,因侵犯小肠浆膜层并引起小肠黏膜破裂而出血。
- MD and PI in patients with infiltrating depth to muscularis and serosa were significantly higher than that to mucosa and submucous (P<0.05). 低分化腺癌微血管密度最高,粘液腺癌微血管密度和细胞增殖指数低于低分化腺癌组(P<0.;05),浸润达肌层和浆膜层的肿瘤微血管密度高于位于粘膜层和粘膜下层的肿瘤(P<0
- During ovulation the serosa wall is the thinnest.This study provides theoretical evidence for the taxon and artificial reproduction of Rana spinosa. 本实验的目的旨在为探讨棘胸蛙的分类学地位和棘胸蛙的人工繁殖性能等提供理论依据。
- There were large amount of serious fibrino and suppurative fibrino exudation on the serosa of liver hepar, lung, spleen, parietal layer and visceral layer of pericardium. 剖检可见肝脏、脾脏、肺脏表面和心包的壁层、臓层有大量浆液纤维素性、化脓纤维素性渗出物。
- There were large amount of(serious) fibrino and suppurative fibrino exudation on the serosa of liver hepar,lung,spleen,parietal layer and visceral layer of pericardium. 剖检可见肝脏、脾脏、肺脏表面和心包的壁层、脏层有大量浆液纤维素性、化脓纤维素性渗出物。各脏器有不同程度的出血、淤血和坏死。