- Bilberry extract benefits the capillaries in the body to help peripheral circulation. 越桔萃取物有益于血丝在身体帮助周边循环。
- The peripheral circulation was well improved in the Raynaud-disease patient after bilateral thoracic sympathectomy. 重症雷诺病患者行双侧胸交感神经节切除后,末梢循环得到显著改善;
- It suggested that the disorder of autonomic nervous function might be related to the dysfunction of peripheral circulation induced by HTV. 提示手臂振动导致植物神经功能紊乱可能是作业工人外周循环功能异常的原因。
- Prompt re-establishment of peripheral circulation, adequate debridement and prevention of infection were the key points in managing vascular injury with long bone fractures. 迅速的重建血管,良好的骨折固定以及彻底的清创手术是处理四肢骨折并发动脉受伤之原则。
- According to this study, we should improve the peripheral circulation and control infection of diabetic foot before HBOT.A treatment protocol is also proposed. 根据本篇研究的结果,糖尿病足在高压氧治疗前应先改善足部血循与控制感染,因此我们建议了一个治疗流程表。
- The eruption of lymphocyte recovery occurs 1 to 4 weeks after marrow ablative antineoplastic chemotherapy, coinciding with the return of lymphocytes to the peripheral circulation and skin. 摘要淋巴球恢复疹约发生在清除骨髓之抗肿瘤化学治疗后1至4周,此时正是淋巴球最早出现在周边血液与皮肤之时。
- Documented hypersensitivity; diabetes; impaired peripheral circulation; avoid use on mucous membranes, eyes, bleeding warts, moles, birthmarks, or unusual warts with hair; patients using steroids; breastfeeding. 有记录的过敏症者、糖尿病患者、周边循环障碍者勿用;黏液膜,眼睛,出血疣,痣,胎记,生发的痣上勿用;正在服用类固醇和哺乳女性勿用。
- anoxia resulting from slow peripheral circulation 由于血液循环慢而导致的缺氧
- peripheral circulation of thymocyte 胸腺细胞外周循环
- Hadomer; undulatory peripheral circulation accelerating device 波动式周围循环加速器
- Drugs active on the heart and peripheral circulation 心脏和体循环中的药物活性
- undulatory peripheral circulation accelerating device 波动式周围循环加速器, 淋巴水肿按摩机
- Pound notes have been withdrawn from circulation. 一英镑面值的钞票已停止流通。
- Harvey discovered the circulation of the blood. 哈唯发现了血液循环。
- We observed the circulation of blood in frogs. 我们观察了青蛙的血液循环。
- The old coins have been withdrawn from circulation. 旧硬币已经收回不再流通了。
- Many forged notes are in circulation. 许多假钞在流通。
- This magazine has a large circulation. 这本杂志发行量很大。
- These ideas have been in circulation for some time. 这些想法已经流行了一段时间。
- After a month in hospital, she is back in circulation. 住了一个月的医院后,她又重新活跃起来了。