- There are many significantachievements on basic theory, stability theory, period solution theory and bifurcation theoryof delay differential systems. 在基本理论、稳定性理论、周期解理论、分歧理论等许多方面都出现了重要的成果。
- The bifurcation points, bifurcation diagram and three circumstances of period solution bifurcation leading to unstability are acquired for SFD rotor system, namely saddle node bifurcation, Hopf bifurcation and period doubling bifurcation. 数值计算得到了SFD 转子系统发生周期解分叉时的分叉点、分叉图及周期解分叉而失稳的 3种情况 :即鞍结分叉、Hopf分叉及倍周期分叉。 最后采用Floquet理论对SFD 转子系统的稳定性进行了分析。
- By Hurwitz criterion, we prove the existence and local stabilities of the positive periodic solution. 利用Hurwitz判据得到了地方病平衡点的存在性及局部稳定性。
- The mathematicians turned to culling periodic solutions. 数学家们转而去挑选周期解。
- By using a fixed point theorem in cones, we investigate a second-order equation and the theorem of existence of unique positive periodic solution is given. 摘要应用不动点定理,研究了一类二阶时滞微分方程,给出了其唯一周期正解的存在性定理。
- Suffcient conditions for the existence of periodic solution to certain delay cooperative system is established by means of topological degree. 用非线性分析的方法讨论了非自治的二维时滞合作系统,获得了周期正解的存在性定理。
- The method is based on the catalysis of rutin to the discoloring reaction of butyl rhodamine B oxidized by potassium periodate solution. 在氢氧化钠介质中,微量芦丁对高碘酸钾氧化丁基罗丹明B褪色反应有明显的催化作用,据此建立了测定芦丁含量的催化动力学光度法。
- Thieme, there should be a periodic solution after some time.But when using Mathematic software, I never found this solution. 我画了,但是没有周期解,很奇怪,觉着软件的算法可能有问题。
- Periodic solution of Lagrangian system is studied with locally coercive potential or sublinear nonlinearity by the least action principle, and an existence theorem is obtained. 利用极小化作用原理研究了具有局部强制性位势或具有次线性非线性项的Lagrange系统的周期解;并得到了一个存在性定理.
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- Let us hope that the period of this injustice will be over soon. 让我们希望这个不公正的时期很快结束吧。
- The existence and stability of periodic solution are studied by using the bifurcation theory, linear stability theory and the method of asymptotic expansion. 运用分歧理论、固有值的解析摄动理论和渐近展开的方法,获得了共存时间周期解的存在性和稳定性。
- To obtain the stable conditions of power market, several lemmas that a dynamic difference system has a unique bounded periodic solution are proved, and the ultimate bound can a... 基于文中提出的模型和引理,给出了电力市场稳定的一个充分条件以及电价最终收敛边界的估计公式,并以算例仿真验证了其结论的正确性。
- Existence of almost periodic solutions for a class of pendular equations. 一类摆动方程概周期解的存在性。
- Childhood is a period of rapid growth. 幼年是生长迅速的时期。
- He consulted the chronicles of the period. 他参考了这一时期的编年史。
- A numeric method evaluating stability degree of periodic solution based on perturbing response data is introduced by the aid of the concept of dynamic systems or flows. 从动力系统流的概念出发,给出了系统稳态周期解稳定度的数值计算方法。
- The positive equilibrium is unstable and the system bifurcates a spatial periodic solution of small amplitude if the dispersal rate is located in an interval. 当扩散率增大且位于某一开区间内变化时, 该系统的正平衡点是不稳定的, 而且分出唯一的小振幅空间周期解;
- The conditions with periodic solution are discussed in detail relating to fractional linear recursive relation of first order and some useful conclusions are obtained. 对一阶分式线性递归关系具有周期解的条件进行了详细讨论,得到若干有用的结论;
- He had to decide within a given period. 他得在一定时间内作出决定。