- The hat and shoes are a perfect match. 这顶帽子和鞋子完全相配。
- The new curtains are a perfect match for the carpet. 新窗帘配那地毯非常谐调。
- Winterborn and I were a perfect match. 温特博恩和我是搭配得非常好的一对。
- Everybody thinks they are a perfect match. 所有人都觉得他俩是天造地设的一对儿。
- Those shoes are a perfect match for your skirt. 那双鞋跟你的裙子很配。
- The new curtain is a perfect match for the carpet. 新窗帘配那地毯非常谐调。
- Jo and Ian are a perfect match for each other. 乔和伊恩真是天设的一对地配的一双。
- The shirt and blouse are a perfect match. 这裙子和衬衫搭配得十分好。
- Congratulations! You two are a perfect match. 恭喜你,你们是天生的一对。
- The young couple are a perfect match. 小两口儿很相配。
- I think they will make a perfect match. 我看他二人恰是一对天造地设的夫妻。
- The curtains and rugs are a perfect match. 窗帘和地毯极为相配。
- This perfect match have gone to Hawaii for their honeymoon. 这幸福的一对到夏威夷度蜜月去了。
- Because except me you cant find another perfect match. 因为除了我再也找不到另一个与你相配的男人。
- I think David and Victoria Beckham are a perfect match. 我认为戴维贝克汉夫妇真是天生一对。
- Love is like two halves of the same shell - a perfect match. 是两个人一起拼成一颗心。
- Corned beef and cabbage with soda bread are perfect match! 煮咸肉和大头菜配苏打面包真是棒!
- Prince X Modi is the perfect match love them so much......... 毛弟和王子虽然常常看起来, 不是说很亲近。
- Take this quiz to find out if your heartthrob is really your perfect match. 做做测试,看您的爱人是否是您的最佳搭档。
- Taurus likes fullness, and the bounty of hair in the Afro is a perfect match. 金牛:非洲式发型是喜欢扮成熟的金牛座的最好选择。