- perfect forward security 完美前向安全
- Security analysis indicate that I-TTS scheme is contributory,and no one can predetermine the negotiated group key.Further more,the I-TTS scheme is perfect forward secrecy. 安全性分析表明,I-TTS协议不仅克服了TTS协议中的前向安全性和密钥控制缺陷,还满足等献性。
- The new scheme provides implicit key authentication and perfect forward secrecy etc. 该方案提供了隐含密钥认证和完善前向保密等安全属性。
- This paper puts forward security issues of remote access as well as two related protocols of RADIUS and TACACS. 本文介绍了关于远程访问的安全问题,以及与其相关的两个协议RADIUS和TACACS。
- Reflection attack counteraction and perfect forward privacy are provided in proposed authentication and key exchange protocols. 设计了双向身份认证协议和会话密钥协商协议,能够抵抗反射攻击并保证会话的前向保密性。
- As compared to the existing schemes,the new scheme provides both forward security and public verifiability. 与已有的方案相比,该方案同时具有前向安全性和公开验证性;
- WTLS handshake protocol doesn't provide forward security,and lacks of user anonymity when not in the anonymous mode. WTLS握手协议不满足前向安全性,非匿名验证模式下不满足用户匿名性,完全匿名模式下易遭受中间人攻击。
- In this paper, based on short signature, a new efficient identity-based proxy signcryption scheme with forward security and public verifiability is proposed. 本文基于短签名提出一种新的高效的具有前向安全和可公开验证特性的基于身份的代理签密方案。
- The analysis shows that the signcryption scheme satisfies the security requirements such as non-repudiation,public verifiability and forward security for a signcryption scheme. 分析显示该签密方案满足诸如不可否认性、可公开验证性和前向安全性等安全性质。
- Forward security is achieved by an evolutional parameter,which is updated with the evolution of time segment,and the group public key and members' certificates are updated along with the parameter. 前向安全性通过一个进化参数实现,进化参数随着时间段的变化而进化更新,从而使群公钥和成员证书进化更新,即使成员密钥泄露,攻击者也无法伪造该成员以前的签名;
- A forward secure secret sharing-multisignature scheme using bilinear pairings based on the strong-RSA assumption is proposed.The security of this scheme is analyzed. 摘要 基于强RSA假设,利用双线性映射的性质,提出了一种具有前向安全特性的秘密共享-多重签名方案,并对方案的安全性进行了分析。
- Nothing in the world is flawless and perfect. 世上没有十全十美的东西。
- Electronic cash system with forward security 一个具有前向安全性的电子现金系统
- The weather during our holiday was perfect. 我们度假时的天气好极了。
- The project is far from perfect. 这项企划很不完美。
- What's the secret of baking perfect bread? 烤出好面包的秘诀是什么?
- A forward secure short threshold proxy signature scheme from bilinear pairing is proposed by combining the concept of forward security with threshold signature from bilinear pairing. 摘要 将前向安全的概念结合到基于双线性对的门限签名方案中,提出了一个基于双线性对的前向安全短门限代理签名方案。
- He didn't have perfect attendance this year. 他今年有缺勤。
- I have perfect trust in my friend. 我完全信赖我的朋友。
- They live in perfect accord with each other. 他们生活在一起十分融洽。