- percussor with sliding weight 带移动重锤的叩诊器
- He upstaged the other speakers by illustrating his talk with slides. 他演讲中配上幻灯片,比其他演讲人更吸引听众。
- The sliding weight of a steelyard,though small in volume,may hold down a thousand catties. 秤砣看来一小块却能压住千斤之重。比喻外表虽不引人注目,实际很起作用。
- The sealing door can be allocated with sliding door, machin-operated door or manual-operated door. 密封门可选平移门、机动门或手动门。
- The lecture was illustrated with slides. 讲座通过幻灯片加以说明。
- Akers by illustrating his talk with slides. 他演讲中配上幻灯片,比其他演讲人更吸引听众。
- "Condonable " , namely: Rao Shu of? of the sliding weight of a steelyard, do not record old wrong, not plan old grudge, wide in order to need a person. 时下,有的人、有的文章大谈、侈谈领导干部要“多行宽恕”,表现出对领导干部胸怀大度的饶有兴趣,然而笔者对此却颇多另一番感触。
- So our forefathers has bright standard early: Fly Huan of the sliding weight of a steelyard is generation dirty word is knocked bilking? is more " of clever person lift " . 所以我们的先人早有明训:“宽容饶恕”不啻是美德,更是“聪明人之举”。“得饶人处且饶人,退步行最稳”。
- He upstage the other speaker by illustrate his talk with slides. 他演讲中配上幻灯片, 比其他演讲人更吸引听众。
- He upstages the other speaker by illustrate his talk with slides. 他演讲中配上幻灯片,比其他演讲人更吸引听众。
- My this thing is added in two legs among, real operation is disadvantageous but afflictive, you do not believe preexistence a the sliding weight of a steelyard is bound to try among your leg. 我这东西加在两腿中间,实在行动不便可难受了,你不信先在你的腿中间绑一个称砣试一试。”
- The analogy of the semmetry in libretto and the sliding weight of a steelyard is extremely rich romantic colour, although be to be used at foil this drama theme, but also have real sense quite. 笔者认为,这杆“秤”不仅可以称出为官者的贪廉清浊,同样可以称出我们行业作风的好坏优劣。
- His lecture was illustrated with slides taken during the expedition. 他在讲演中使用了探险时拍摄到的幻灯片。
- Antitheft lock, casters with sliding protection, foldable handles, and multi-ports work to provide maximum user convenience. 防盗锁,滑动轮脚,折边把手,多端口设计为使用者提供更多样化的功能。
- neurological percussor with brush and pin ends 带刷及针端的神经科叩诊器
- Dry installed progressive cavity pumps with sliding block ts to pump sludge and viscous or highly viscous liquids of communal sewage treatment. 干式安装螺杆泵带滑动的可闭节可运送质淤泥和粘性或高粘性流体,适用于公共污水处理。
- metal disc percussor with rubber ring 带橡胶环金属圆片的叩诊器, 巴彬斯基(氏)叩诊器
- In this paper,timing jitter in soliton transmission with sliding filters is studied by the firs-torder perturbation theory. 本文通过微扰理论,对采用滑频滤波器控制的孤子系统的时间抖动进行了研究。
- metal sphere percussor with rubber ring 带橡胶环金属球形的叩诊器, 弗农(氏)叩诊器
- I am a hundred percent in agreement with you. 我百分之百同意你的看法。