- He polled 54 percent of the votes. 他获得百分之五十四的选票。
- Only 10 percent of the land was under cultivation. 只有百分之十的土地用作耕地。
- We are in great need of Grade A. 我们急需一等品。
- Thirty percent of the farmland has been planted to oil crops. 百分之三十的农田已种上油料作物。
- Julia is a student of Grade Four. 朱莉娅是四年级的学生。
- The shoes hoe of grade to automatically adjusted. 鞋前帮的级别可自动调节。
- The millionaire has handed over 50 percent of his stock to his first son. 这个百万富翁已把他一半的股票移交给他的长子。
- Standard of grade estimation for product quality o. 内河钢质船舶出厂质量评级标准。
- She has invested a large percent of her salary. 她把工资的大部分用以投资
- I won the elections with 86 percent of the vote. 而我以86%25的选票获得了选举。
- Twenty percent of the papers are wrote in chinese. 有20%25的论文是用中文写的。
- The pig dressed out to70 percent of its weight. 这头猪放血开膛后的重量是原来重量的百分之七十。
- Design of Grade Separation Bridge Overcrossing Xingang Road No. 跨新港四号路立交桥设计。
- Stake out ten percent of the profits for oneself. 把盈利的百分之十划归自己所有。
- Universal Standard of Grade of American Upland Cotton. 已为世界公认的棉花分级标准。
- About 3 percent of Alaska is covered by glaciers. 阿拉斯加大约百分之三的面积由冰川覆盖。
- The book is too difficult for students of Grade One. 这本书对于一年级学生太难。
- The ore assay 75 percent of gold. 这种矿石经分析证明含金百分之七十五。
- Only ten percent of the population here is illiterate. 这里只有百分之十的居民是文盲。
- The friend often sojourns, our home has boast quite of grade. 朋友每每来作客,都夸我们家挺有品位的。