- per vaginal examination 阴道指检
- Note: specimens before24 hours, prohibit any vaginal stimulation, such as sexual intercourse, vaginal examination, and local irrigation, pesticides, so as not to affect the results of the inspection. 注意事项:取标本前24小时,阴道禁止任何刺激,如性交、道检查、洗及局部上药等,以免影响检查的结果。
- The doctor was very thorough in his examination of the sick child. 医生对生病的孩子进行了仔细的检查。
- Keywords Labour monitoring;Vaginal examination;Anal examination;Puerperal infection;Neonatal infection; 监测产程;阴道检查;肛门检查;产褥期感染;新生儿感染;
- The agency places about 2000 secretaries per annum. 该代理机构每年可为约2000名秘书安排工作。
- It travels thousands of miles per second. 它一秒钟能走几千英里。
- Can your car make a hundred miles per hour? 你的汽车一小时能开一百英里吗?
- He was bewailing his failure in the examination. 他为考试不及格而悲伤。
- Jerry left the examination room with a light heart. 杰利轻松愉快地离开了考场。
- These apples cost five yuan per kilogram. 这些苹果每公斤五元。
- He was very sick at failing in the examination. 他对于考试不及格觉得很沮丧。
- We fail one student per year on average. 我们平均每年有一个学生不及格。
- He passed the examination with flying colors. 他考试中取得了优异成绩。
- He's het up about the examination. 他为考试而焦虑不安。
- The car is spinning along120 li per hour. 这车正以每小时120里的速度行进。
- This work will hardly stand close examination. 这种作品很难经得起认真的检验。
- The hurricane has a speed of 73 miles per hour. 飓风每小时73英里。
- He will take an oral examination. 他将接受口试。
- Meals average out at 5 per head. 膳食平均每人5英镑。
- My father crammed me for the entrance examination. 我父亲为了入学考试帮我恶补。