- per phloem strand 每个韧皮部束
- It has a well developed root cap with no root hairs developed from its epidermal cells. Stelar structure is tetrarch with pri- mary xylem elements in exarch development. Xylem and phloem strands are arranged in alternate. 漂浮根发生于茎节的中柱鞘细胞,它有发育良好的根冠,表皮细胞不分化为根毛,中柱初生木质部为四原型,发育方式为外始式,维管束中的木质和韧皮两部分相间排列,整个器官属内起源,可以说明这一漂浮器官是根而非叶。
- She twirled a strand of hair round her finger. 她把一绺头发卷绕在手指上。
- phloem strand 韧皮束
- The agency places about 2000 secretaries per annum. 该代理机构每年可为约2000名秘书安排工作。
- It travels thousands of miles per second. 它一秒钟能走几千英里。
- Can your car make a hundred miles per hour? 你的汽车一小时能开一百英里吗?
- These apples cost five yuan per kilogram. 这些苹果每公斤五元。
- We fail one student per year on average. 我们平均每年有一个学生不及格。
- The car is spinning along120 li per hour. 这车正以每小时120里的速度行进。
- Haplostele A type of protostele having a solid strand of stele with the xylem on the inside encircled by phloem, pericycle, and endodermis. 单中柱:原生中柱的一种类型,是由韧皮部、中柱鞘和内皮层包围着内方的木质部构成的实心中柱。
- The hurricane has a speed of 73 miles per hour. 飓风每小时73英里。
- The Strand is one of London's busiest thoroughfares. 斯特兰德大街是伦敦最热闹的要道之一。
- Meals average out at 5 per head. 膳食平均每人5英镑。
- Pressure is force per unit area. 压力就是电单位面积上的力。
- The four and a half per cent bonds are in request. 利息四厘五的债券需求量大。
- Last year its retail price fell20 per cent. 去年,它的零售价格下降了百分之二十。
- A postman's wages are 180 per week. 邮递员的工资为每周180英镑。
- Per capita incomes rose sharply last year. 去岁人均收入剧增。
- There is a little idioblasts in the phloem. 叶脉维管束中韧皮部都具有异细胞存在。