- peptide scanning technique 肽扫描技术
- Objective: To study the scan technique and methods of multi-slic e helical computed tomography (MSCT) angiography for peripancreatic vessels. 目的:探讨多排螺旋电子计算机体层扫描(MSCT)胰周血管成像的扫描技术和成像方法。
- Objective:To study the value of usi ng spiral CT scan technique to examine the lesion in woman pelvic cav-ity. 目的:探讨螺旋CT扫描技术在女性盆腔病变诊断价值。方法:分析57例女性盆腔病变CT表现,并与手术病理结果对照。
- Optimal stitching algorithm is extremely important for testing large-aperture aspherical optical elements by annular sub-aperture scanning technique. 摘要优化的拼接算法是环形子孔径扫描测量大口径非球面光学元件的关键问题。
- The esterase isozymes of 10 isolates from different Alternaria species and Alternaria brassicae have been compared by IF PAGE and TL scanning technique. 对链格孢菌(Alternaria)不同种和芸苔链格孢菌(Alternariabrasicae)不同菌系的10个菌株的酯酶同工酶进行聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(IF-PAGE)和TL紫外扫描分析。
- Method: The lung tissue of ALI rabbits model induced by endotoxin were examined by isotope lableled PMNs scanning technique to observate the curative effects of melatonin. 方法:采用家兔内毒素性急性肺损伤模型,观察甘露醇治疗对急性肺损伤组织微血管床滞留核标记PMN显像的影响。
- The part-BS PCB boards composed of BS chips and non-BS chips will exist widely for a long time, how to test these boards using boundary scan technique remains a key problem. 摘要由BS器件和非BS器件组装的非完全BS电路板仍在今后相当时间广泛存在,如何对它们应用边界扫描测试是板级边界扫描测试技术需要研究的关键问题。
- Because the phase continue scan technique is adopted, this method has the advantage of a high anti-disturbance capability without exactly calibrating the optical phase-shifter. 由于采用光学连续相位扫描,该方法具有较强的抗环境干扰能力,不需要精确校准光学相移器,并且能自动定量地给出物体的全场振幅分布。
- The changes of the chemical states and the relative contents of sulfur, gold, carbon and oxygen after methionine reacted with different chemical sensitizers are studied by ESCA scanning technique of X? ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy(CPS). 运用X射线光电子能谱 (XPS)的ESCA扫描技术研究了蛋氨酸与不同化学增感剂相互作用及其中的硫、金、碳和氧等元素的化学形态和相对含量的变化规律 .
- First, a horizontally two-dimensional dynamical diagnosis model is set up in Cartesian coordinates, which is used to calculate surface wind field based on grid pressure data from weather maps by a computer scanning technique. 首先建立一个简单的水平二维地面风场诊断模式 ,根据由微机支持的数字化仪输入的地面格点气压场 ,诊断出地面风场 ;
- Scanning technique of CO2 laser imaging radar has become one of the key techniques used in cruise guide and control guide. 激光扫描技术是在巡航导弹制导中应用的CO2激光成像雷达的关键技术之一。
- The structure of the molecular sieves is studied by means of X-ray diffraction, XPS, EPMA and IR spectrometry, and the unit cell parameters are measured with step scanning technique. 用X射线衍射、X射线光电子能谱、X射线电子探针、红外光谱等方法对分子筛进行了结构研究,并用阶梯扫描方法测得其晶胞参数。
- The fluctuating wind loads on a dome-like roof are reconstructed based on the synchronous multi-pressure scanning technique of wind tunnel tests and the proper orthogonal decomposition(POD)method. 根据风洞试验同步多点压力扫描技术和本征正交分解方法重构作用于圆拱顶屋盖的脉动风力。
- This paper optimized the separation conditions of nine compounds in two types of solvent system by double-unfolding technique and computer scanning technique with satisfactory results. 用计算机辅助,在两组不同溶剂系统中用两次展开技术与计算机扫描技术相结合来优化展开条件,取得了比较满意的结果。
- Using immunohistochemistry and confocal laser scanning techniques, we observed the distributions of PNA-BMs and S-100 in the soleus muscle. 观察PNA-BMs及作为Sc标记的S-100在大鼠比目鱼肌中的分布。
- A virus that has the ability to change its byte pattern when it replicates thereby avoiding detection by simple string scanning techniques. 多态病毒一种当它复制的时候有更改自己字节能力从而避免被简单的字符串扫描技术发现的病毒。
- By presenting several port scanning techniques and the concept of security holes,we describe the underlying principle how an Intranet is attacked. 通过介绍端口扫描技术、网络服务漏洞等细节,说明了内部网络受攻击的原理;
- Secondly, the paper proposed a new fracture parameters inversion technique from which the fracture azimuth is obtained by a multi-trace scan technique in common conversion point (CCP) gathering. 然后,提出了一种在共转换点道集中利用基于多道统计的角度扫描法取地下目标煤层的裂隙发育方位的方法。
- The doctors gave him an ultrasonic brain scan. 医生给他做了脑部超声波扫描检查。
- Network Based Vulnerability Scanning Technique 基于网络的安全漏洞探测技术