- peoples income difference between towns and countryside 城乡居民收入差距
- peoples income difference 居民收入差距
- Study on Income Difference of Rural Residents of China II. 中国农村居民收入差距研究2。
- Study on income difference of rural residents of China. 收入差距研究。
- In the second part it analysis the phenomenon of citizen income difference. 第二部分分析了我国城镇居民收入差距的具体表现。
- Despite its national wealth, poverty and serious income difference exist throughout the US. 虽然美国是个富裕的国家,但全国仍然存在着贫穷和严重的收入差别问题。
- Reforms in distribution system and elimination of equalitarianism result in greater income difference among residents. 摘要分配体制的改革,打破了平均主义,这必然会带来收入差距的扩大;
- The second part generalizes the present condition of income difference by use of plentiful statistic datas. 第二部分运用比较丰富的统计资料概括我国收入分配差距的现状;
- Socialism is not equal to equalitarianism, but income difference does exist and it is good to encourage labour's enthusiasm and to stabilize society. 社会公平不等于平均主义,公平应以“效率优先”为尺度,而收入差距应以有利于调动全社会一切劳动者的积极性、创造性,有利于促进政治稳定、社会稳定为标准。
- Analyse its society to because of,be moved, knowable the income difference that the element such as structure of natural evolution, management mode, family creates is caused. 分析其社会动因 ,可知是自然发展、经营模式、家庭结构等因素造成的收入差异引起的。
- Also only then the enterprise profit, the common people income increases, expends can come up finally. 也只有企业盈利,百姓收入增加,消费才能最终上来。
- When just marrying, two people income is scanty, after having a son, economy is more nervous. 刚结婚时,两人收入微薄,有了儿子之后,经济更加紧张。
- This paper measures the reasonable degree of the urban-rural income difference in China by means of an econometric model that reflects the relation between the dual contrast coefficient and the level of economic development. 本文通过建立一个反映二元对比系数与经济发展水平关系的计量模型,来测度我国的城乡居民收入差别的合理程度。
- The farmer income decelerates is aims at the city people income to raise fast says, the farmer income decelerated has suppressed the national econom health development. 摘要农民收入减速是针对城市居民收入提速而言的,农民收入减速抑制了经济发展健康发展。
- We must quicken the procedure of urbanization,improve conversion of binary economy,and ennarrow urban and rurual income difference by market mechanism and government policy adjustment. 我们必须通过市场机制及政府政策的调节,加速我国的城市化进程,促进“二元经济”的转化,缩小城乡收入差距。
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。
- Abstract:The income difference between China's urban and rural residents fluctuated to a certain degree since the reforming/opening policy started, but, as a whole, it kept rising continuously. 摘要:中国城乡居民收入差距自改革开放以来尽管有一定程度的波动,但总体上依然呈现出持续扩大的势头。
- This paper analyzes the disadvantageous effect of the widening of income differences. 分析了收入差距扩大的不利影响。
- Tax expense, regional factors in one province, family structure, labor culture and family possesses played a great role on income difference in LiaoNing Province and NeiMengGu Municipality. 辽宁省和内蒙古自治区农村居民的税费支出、省区内区域性因素、家庭结构、劳动力文化程度和家庭拥有的财产情况对收入差距的影响都很大;
- He believes in the brotherhood of all peoples. 他相信各民族间都应亲如兄弟。