- Management of the system driver for a base service. 基本服务的系统驱动程序管理。
- Video on-demand is a base service of B-ISDN. 视频点播(VOD)业务是B-ISDN的一种基础业务。
- LBS,Location Based Service is a very hot research topic in recent years. 基于位置信息的服务(LBS,Location Based Service)是近两年来非常吸引人们关注的一个课题。
- Attacks on people based on their shared identy always amplify the chances of resisters fighting back, he says. 他说,由于受到袭击的人们拥有一种共同的命运,他们奋起抵抗的可能性会更大。
- We are shunning an entire group of people based solely on their sexual orientation. 我们正在拒绝着一群对“性”有自己的独特准则的人。
- He disdains corporate politics and promotes people based on merit rather than seniority. 他对公司政治不屑一顾,超越年龄限制按才取人。
- This means that we fit out actions to those of other people based on a constant mental process of appraisal and interpretation. 这意味着我们在不断判断和解释别人的行为的心理过程中进行自己的行为。
- A Web based service system was proposed with the aim of dealing with the aftermarket service of CNC machine. 针对数控设备售后服务与技术支持问题 ;提出基于Web的服务保障系统 .
- Discrimination: to make judgments and treat people based on the color of their skin, their age, their culture or religion. 歧视:根据一个人的肤色、年龄、文化或宗教来评判和对待他人。
- This means that we fit our actions to those of other people based on a constant mental process of appraisal and interpretation. 这就意味着,我们的行为要以持续的对心理过程进行评价和解释为基础,来配合其他的人。
- Location Based Services and Location-Enabled Business. 基于位置的服务和定位服务。
- Technology ethical evaluation is a good or bad,mercy or evil judgment made by certain people based on the ethical standards. 技术的伦理评价是人们基于一定的伦理标准对技术进行的善与恶、好与坏的判断。
- And for the example of comfort application, if a gourmand can easily find some suitable restaurants by using the location based service through VANET. 或是开车族可以透过VANET网路所提供之服务,获取有关停车位位置之资讯。
- Monitoring people's actives, hacking computer and stealing data, then threat people based on the stolen data through double intent media news. 监控活动,电脑入侵和盗取资料,再用监控和盗法所得的资讯,将只有受监控者一看就知道的细节透过各类媒体以双关语散播威胁讯息。
- In this paper we introduce an P2P based service management system for digital city,and discuss how to design and implement the platform. 本文提出基于P2P模式的数字城市服务管理系统,并对平台设计、实现进行了探讨。
- In order to activate 3 years warranty, you must register your product within 2 weeks. Otherwise, we offer one year return to base service upon invoice or product production date. 请于两星期内为阁下产品登记保用,以上的三年保养计划方能生效。否则本公司祗根据单据或产品生产日期提供壹年自携保养服务。
- Spreadsheets have been developed by a number of people based on the Formulas in the Schreckling and Kamps books that model the processes that go on in the engine. 特别提醒!做涡喷一定要有机加工与材料常识,了解金属,火灾,爆炸原理,等安全知识,安全第一。涡喷自制问题解答::::发动机如何自己设计?
- Intellectual Property Right is an immaterial property, and a legal right of people based on the achievements created by their own intellectual activities and managements. 知识产权是一种无形财产,也是人们基于自己的智力活动创造的成果和经营管理活动中依法享有的权利。
- Before this feat, Professor Zhao had successfully reproduced images of some 20 ancient people based on their remains, either a mummified body or a piece of skull. 在成功复制史前人类形象图之前,赵先生还根据一些远古人类遗留下的已经木乃伊化的躯体或头骨碎片复制了20多位古人类的画像。
- It is an uphill task to solve the problem of feeding Chinese people based entirely on fact. Despite all the obstacles, there is great potential and broad prospect as well. 实事求是地说,解决中国人的吃饭问题,任务艰巨,困难不少,但潜力很大,前景广阔。