- The poor families survived on relief. 这些贫穷家庭靠救济生存。
- Pirates used to maroon people on desert islands. 海盗过去惯常把人们遗弃在荒岛。
- People on the barge looked rather happy. 游船上的人们看上去很高兴。
- Robots are replacing people on assembly lines. 机器人逐渐代替了装配线上的工人。
- People in the flooded areas are on relief from every part of our country. 水灾区的人民接受来自全国各地人民的救济。
- There are more than five hundred people on the playground. 运动场上有五百多人。
- As a top manager, he should appoint none but people on their merit. 作为一位总经理,他应该任人为贤。
- Mike dashed through the throng of people on the street. 麦克冲过街上的人群。
- Taxpayers had to dig up to keep the unemployed on relief. 纳税者必须出钱救济失业者。
- Her family has been on relief ever since her father died. 自她的父亲去世以后,她的家庭一直靠救济度日。
- We all dug up to keep the poor on relief last month. 上个月我们大家都出钱救济穷人。
- Some children think of other people on Halloween. 有的孩子在万圣节前夕考虑到别人,
- People on high incomes face a huge tax burden. 高收入的人面临着沉重的纳税负担。
- The streets were lined with people on both sides. 街道两旁都站满了人。
- Why are there so many people on the bus? 车上怎么这么多人?
- I no longer consider people on welfare white trash. 我不再认为靠福利救济的人是白人当中的废物。
- How can people on independent study get a diploma? 自学的人怎样才能获得一张文凭?
- We have 250 people on the payroll. 在工资册上我们有250人。
- People on the farm get up early. 农田上的人起得早。
- He hired and fired people on his partner's say-so. 他雇谁辞谁全听他的合伙人的一句话。