- Our school won first place for the pole vault. 我们学校赢得了撑杆跳第一名。
- The pendulum of the clock in my room is a bear. 我房间的钟摆是小熊形状的。
- Her third vault in horse-vaulting score9.8. 她在跳马项目中的第三次试跳得了9。8分。
- The surface between the ribs of a ribbed vault. 梁腹,腹板某扇形拱的胁拱之间的平面
- She make a score of9.8 at the final vault. 她在最后一次试跳中得了9。8分。
- He was buried in the family vault. 他被安葬在家庭的墓穴里。
- She put her jewels in a vault at the bank. 她将珠宝放在银行的金库里。
- pendulum vault 前荡前摆跳下
- The pendulum swings with great regularity. 钟摆很有规律地摆动着。
- The money was kept in the bank's vault. 钱放在银行的保险库里。
- Back and forth swung the pendulum. 钟摆来来回回地摆动。
- The pendulum swung back and forth. 钟摆来回地摆动。
- In medieval times, poets often called the sky "the vault of heaven". 在中世纪时期,诗人常把天空叫作“苍穹”。
- The pendulum swung slowly to and fro. 钟摆在慢慢地来回摆动。
- The pendulum's swing is 12 inches. 钟摆的振幅为12英寸
- This underground vault is theftproof. 这所地下保管库是防盗的。
- A pendulum swings back and forth. 钟摆前后摆动。
- The first explosion tore the reactor vault apart. 第一次爆炸将反应堆的屏蔽室炸飞了。
- The pendulum clock was invented in 1657. 钟摆是1657年发明的。
- She showed me to a necessary vault. 她指我去一便所。