- Structure of Carbon Black Particles. 黑烟末微粒的结构。
- pelleting of carbon black 炭黑制片
- It has a nominal durometer hardness of 45D and contains pellet blend of carbon black color concentrate. 硬度45D和包含颗粒混合碳黑色集中。
- The coacervate particle of carbon black consists of lied graphite layers. 炭黑原生粒子是由同心石墨层排列组成。
- The mechanical properties of carbon black(HAF,grade N330)filled powdered NR[P(NR/N330)]vulcanizates were studied. 研究了高耐磨炭黑(N330)填充型粉末天然橡胶[P(NR/N330)]硫化胶的物理机械性能。
- The latest advances in the dispersion of carbon black in aquo - system are reviewed. 综述了炭黑在水性体系中分散研究的最新进展。
- There are three parts in this study: synthesis of dispersant, dispersion of carbon black, and the preparation of RBM. 主要可以分为三个部份:分散剂的合成、碳黑的分散效果、以及实际应用于制备黑色矩阵。
- The influence of carbon black on the slurry viscosity and gelation time was studied. 研究了炭黑含量对浆料粘度以及固化时间的影响。
- Contact angle is a preferable criterion in the wettability research of carbon black. 在研究炭黑的润湿作用时,接触角大小是衡量润湿性优劣的较为方便的方法。
- The heat aging resistance in creased first then decreased with the increase of amount of carbon black N550. 炭黑用量对共混物的耐热老化性能有影响,随着炭黑N550用量的增加,老化后的力学性能保持率先增加后减小。
- The proper organic compound producing carbon black should have higher content of carbon and higher ratio of C/H. 适宜的产炭有机物不仅含碳量高,还应该具有较高的C/H比。
- Something, such as a baseball, that resembles a pellet of medicine. 丸状物,小球象药丸一样的东西,如棒球
- The wettability of carbon black to water is improved and the dispersing stability is enhanced. 亲水性改性后的炭黑对水的润湿性增强,在水中分散更稳定。
- The effects of existence of carbon black and it's amount on the velocity of formation of the mesophase were discussed. 探讨了炭黑的存在及添加量对中间相生成速度的影响。
- Effects of carbon black(CB) on microphase separation and mechanical properties of polyurethane foam were studied by IR and DMA. 利用红外光谱仪 (IR)、动态热机械分析仪 (DMA)和力学性能测试法研究了炭黑对聚氨酯泡沫塑料的微相分离和力学性能的影响 ,并与基体泡沫做了对照。
- The effect of the silica on the properties of SIBR compound by substituting for the same level of carbon black was investigated. 研究白炭黑等量替代炭黑对集成橡胶(SIBR)胶料性能的影响。
- The effect of the ratios of SBS/TPU, compating agents, kinds of carbon black,on electrical and mechamical properties of blends were discussed. 探讨了SBS/TPU的共混比、增容剂、炭黑的品种对共混体系机械力学、抗静电及导电性能的影响。
- The results of EDS and TEM analysis showed that the amorphous ferric oxide was uniformly dispersed on the surface of carbon black and the conc... EDS和TEM分析结果表明,铁/炭黑复合材料中无定形氧化铁在炭黑表面的含量可达40%25,且分散均匀。
- Precipitation in the form of pellets of ice and hard snow. 冰雹以冰和硬雪块颗粒的形式下落