- Celtic win the Scottish league and cup Double. 年奥尼尔率领球队夺得苏格兰联赛和足总杯双冠王。
- I hurried to the hall, pulled my coat from the peg and ran outside. 我冲向门厅,从挂衣架上拽下外衣,跑出门去。
- They are as incompatible as a round peg and a square hole. 他俩方枘圆凿,互不相容。
- I hung my raincoat on its peg and hurried around the corner. 急忙挂好雨衣,跑到起居室门边。
- The man of prayer and Cup bearer to the King Artaxerxes. 这个人是个祈祷者并负责为阿塔塞克西斯王(波斯国王)运送杯子。
- Put away the unused plates and cups. 把没用过的杯盘拿走。
- Michaela: We need some plates and cups. 麦克拉:我们需要一些盘子和杯子。
- He hung his hat on a peg and flung himself into his seat with business-like alacrity. 他把帽子挂在钉子上,一本正经地边忙边坐到他的座位上。
- It would also tell us who claims for every last Tube fare and cup of tea. 报销清单的公开,还能告诉我们哪些人连地铁车票或一杯茶的开支都要拿来报销。
- Glass can be made into such things as bottles and cups. 玻璃可以用来制成像瓶子,杯子之类的东西。
- The special "shoe and cup" game is a witness to the perversity of the literati. 特殊的“鞋杯令”,则反映出当时文人的变态心理。
- You go and show her a thing or two, bring her down a peg and see if she can still be so high and mighty. 你去给她点脸色看,让她下不了台,看她还能神气活现?
- Wine utensils unearthed include jars, urns, pots, bowls and cups. 发掘出的酒器皿有瓶、瓮、罐、壶、碗和杯子。
- Figure 7-9 Arcs of motion with small and large heads and cups. 图7-9.;头和臼杯大小不同时的髋关节运动弧度。
- Popped right up and cupped his hands across my eye[...... 您浏览了太多的页面,所以您无法看到该页的内容...
- Early stage embryos developed into cotyledonary embryos on LP medium supplemented with 4 mg/L ABA, 75 g/L PEG and 5 g/L activated charcoal. 在附加4mg/LABA,75g/LPEG和5g/L活性炭的LP培养基上,早期原胚发育形成粗壮的子叶胚。
- Buchanan took her proffered hand and cupped it awkwardly in his. 布查南笨拙地用双手托起她伸过去的手。
- Finally, the superhydrophobic silica-based films were investigated by using TEOS and different structures of polymeric species (PVP, PEG and PPG). 最后,藉由PVP、PEG与PPG之不同结构高分子以探讨其对于制备超疏水性薄膜之影响。
- Slowly she stretched out and cupped her own hands firmly round his. 她慢慢伸出手去,牢牢的托起他的手。
- These work show that the seed was revivified with the treatment of a certain concentration of PEG and got a high efficiency of seed breeding. 提示用一定浓度范围的PEG溶液浸种可使休眠种子活化, 提高种子繁育的效率。