- They take me for a dun, peer out from a coign of vantage. 他们以为我是讨债的,就从安全的地方朝外窥伺。
- The moon peered out from behind clouds. 月亮从云後隐约出现。
- Hella driving lamps are mounted on its front, and webcams peer out from its head and belly. 机器人前方安装著德国赫拉牌车灯,头部与腹部则露出网路摄影机的镜头。
- The moon peered out from behind a cloud. 月亮从云中探出脸来。
- Decken's sifaka peers out from a jagged stone maw. 一只德肯狐猴从一处锯齿状的石头无底洞窥视。
- God is there - as the Psalmist says, "peering out from the cracks. 上帝在那里,如诗篇:在无错之处。
- A wild dog peers out from tall green grass in Botswana. 在博茨瓦纳,一头野狗正从高耸的青草丛中向外凝视。
- Ron relieved his feelings by aiming a kick at a gnome who was peering out from behind one of the new Flutterby bushes. 有一只地精从一株拍拍木后面探出头,被Ron看见,狠狠地踢了一脚,借以解气。
- A crazed, frail-looking leper gnome peers out from within a massive suit of steam-powered armor. 一个疯狂,面貌虚弱的麻风侏儒从一台巨大的蒸汽动力装甲中向外凝望。
- Lenny watched from the side, fully dressed, stretched out on a plastic lounge chair, peering out from underneath a baseball cap. 莱尼穿戴齐全,四肢舒展地躺在一旁的躺椅上,眯着眼睛从棒球帽下向外注视着我们。
- A rainbow trout fingerling peers out from the gullet of a northern pike at the Alaska Department of Fish & Game aquarium in Anchorage. 一只虹鳟鱼从白斑狗鱼的喉咙里惊恐地向外看着,这是来自美国阿拉斯加州安克雷奇(美国阿拉斯加州南部的港口城市)水族馆的图片。
- As he mounted higher, sometimes standing, sometimes clawing his way up in a scrabbling crouch, he peered out from the stairs. 他一直向上爬着,有时直着身子,有时蜷缩着身子,挣扎着向上爬着,他从楼梯向四处张望。
- Swallowed whole活吞Arainbow trout fingerling peers out from the gullet ofanorthern pike at the Alaska Department of Fish Game aquarium in Anchorage. 一只虹鳟鱼从白斑狗鱼的喉咙0惊恐地向外看著;这是来自美国阿拉斯加州安克雷奇(美国阿拉斯加州南部的港口城市)水族馆的图片.
- A rainbow trout fingerling peers out from the gullet of a northern pike at the Alaska Department of Fish &Game aquarium in Anchorage. 一只虹鳟鱼从白斑狗鱼的喉咙里惊恐地向外看著,这是来自美国阿拉斯加州安克雷奇(美国阿拉斯加州南部的港口城市)水族馆的图片。
- There was the rhythmic sound of the shovel in the barn,then the man returned walking stiffly between the two weights,the face of the child peering out from the shawl. 先是听到谷仓里有铲子发出有节奏的声音,然后他双手都拿着重物吃力地走回来,孩子的脸从披肩里露出来。
- Flames blazed out from the crater of the volcano. 火焰从火山口猛烈地喷出来。
- The oil is leaking out from the crankcase. 没已从曲轴箱中漏出来。
- Two cotyledons have come out from the seedling. 小苗长出了两片子叶。
- She fell out from extreme fatigue. 她由于极度疲劳而掉队了。
- A mouse ran out from the dark orifice of the cave. 一只老鼠从黑暗的洞口跑出。